Dr Russell G. Thompson Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Urban Freight Transport, Logistics and ITS.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr Russell G. Thompson Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Urban Freight Transport, Logistics and ITS

Outline Sustainability Intelligent Freight Systems City Logistics Urban consolidation centres e-Commerce (B2C) Product Swaps Container Management Co-opetition Next Generation Urban Freight Infrastructure

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” from a Mexican Poster (M.R. Reuter, 2003)

Sustainable Cities Freight systems affect the economic prosperity & liveability of cities Prosperity and liveability are related Both are vital for sustainability

Urban Freight Problems Noise Emissions (Particulates & GHG) Congestion Crashes Vibration Energy consumption Visual intrusion ITS can reduce these problems by reducing the amount of truck travel in cities…

Intelligence Analysing - sensing & analysing environment - detecting changes, perceiving problems Making decisions - acting rationally, choosing options to solve problems Learning - using experience to make improvements: identifying new problems & decision making

Intelligent Freight Systems Those that are: Clever - successful in copy with new situations & solving problems Alert - fast in perceiving & understanding problems & finding answers to challenges

ITS key elements Intelligence -gaining knowledge (data collection & information processing) Integration –connecting & co-ordinating key elements

Urban Freight Is a derived demand Primary drivers are from processes associated with management of inventory such as manufacturing & retailing

City Logistics City Logistics is an integrated approach for urban goods distribution based on the systems approach. It promotes innovative schemes that reduce the total cost (including economic, social and environmental) of goods movement within cities OECD, (2003) Delivering the Goods, Challenges for the 21 st Century, Paris.

City Logistics City Logistics is an integrated approach for urban goods distribution based on the systems approach. It promotes innovative schemes that reduce the total cost (including economic, social and environmental) of goods movement within cities OECD, (2003) Delivering the Goods, Challenges for the 21 st Century, Paris.

City Logistics is the process for totally optimising the logistics and transport activities by private companies with the support of advanced information systems in urban areas considering the traffic environment, its congestion, safety and energy savings within the framework of a market economy Taniguchi, Thompson & Yamada, 2001

City Logistics Schemes Public Logistics Terminals Co-operative Freight Systems Access Regulations Advanced Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Systems (CVRSS) Intelligent Transport Systems are crucial for these schemes to be successfully implemented…

Structure of visions for city logistics

Institute for City Logistics Est Aim: to promote City Logistics esp. modelling, evaluation & data collection Activities International Conferences 6 th Int. Conf. June 2008 in Puerto Vallarta Workshops Newsletters Collaborative Research

Multiple UCC Kolher & Groke, 2004

1 UCC with Pick-up Points (Kassel) Kolher & Groke, 2004

ITS to support Urban Consolidation Centres & Co-operative Freight Systems Dynamic & integrated Order Processing Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Load Planning Transhipment Track & Trace Eg. Centre for Eco-Friendly Distribution, Lucca, Italy (Di Bugno et al, 5 th Int. City Logistics Conference, Crete, 2007)

B2C Food Items

Single Urban DC

Regional DC’s

VKT with 1 distribution centre

VKT with regional distribution centres

Product Swaps Distribute 500kg between each site Vehicle capacity = 2000kg Each site ≥ 1 vehicle Transhipment possible at each site Based on distributing electrical goods between retail shops in Melbourne Concept could be applied to multiple carriers, horizontal collaboration (Fischer et al, 1995)

4 5 vehicles no transhipment

4 4 vehicles pickups at store w/o vehicle

4 4 vehicles with transhipment at stores

4 4 vehicles with transhipment at common location

ITS for Product Swaps Determining nodes for swaps Coordinating arrivals and departures of vehicles Load planning Determining nodes that vehicles need to visit

Cycle of Container Handling Empty Running Loaded Container (Import) Marine Terminal & Container Park Local Importer Local Exporter Loaded Container (Export) Empty pick-up Empty return

Current Container Movements

Movements with Triangulation

Sharing vehicles, warehouses & distribution centres Increase load factors & decrease dead running All schemes require ITS for successful implementation Co-opetition

Collaborative Distribution Shared storage location(s) Networks restructured using advanced vehicle routing & scheduling systems Distribution to outlets by areas & priority Substantial savings in transport costs (20- 30%) Significant reduction in environmental & social costs

Next Generation Urban Freight Infrastructure Intelligent Freight Systems using ITS –Vehicle routing & scheduling systems –Auction systems (portals) –Information Systems (eg. travel time & reliability) –Track &Trace Systems –Monitoring (eg. AVL) Necessary to support Public Logistics Terminals & Intermodal Freight Terminals

Common information platform in Public- Private Partnerships

Other Initiatives In-vehicle systems Advanced vehicle routing & scheduling e-Commerce Auction and matching systems Compliance monitoring systems

Dr Russell G. Thompson Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Urban Freight Transport, Logistics and ITS