On a snowy December night Count John Sigmund Cotten arrived in the town of Banská Štiavnica (Selmecbánya). He was carrying big bags, but didn’t tell anyone what was in them.
One day he went to the watchmaker, who was living in the tower of the Castle. He was a very clever man.
He told the watchmaker that he had received a secret command from the lord to help him make money because they had to spend a lot on the army. Of course, it was not true.
The count asked the watchmaker to help him. The watchmaker agreed. They worked together for weeks and months.
The coins looked so real that nobody could tell if they were fake or not. Although after some time they realized that it was against the law, they didn’t care because they had become very rich.
However, they got caught because minting coins wasn’t quiet work. After a few unpleasant days in court they could feel safe...
The count knew the lord. Thus, the lord didn’t have them killed. He just deported them to Poland.
The watchmaker and his wife cried when they were leaving the town, but the count just disappeared quickly in the distance to look forward to new adventures.
Thank you for your attention Áron Černák Dávid Balla THE END