Auckland Deaf Christian Fellowship Leadership Training Course Tutor: Rev Sandra Gibbons B.Min, PG.DipEd(Guidance Studies), Cert Min, Cert Clinical Pastoral Education
Do you feel you are being called to be a leader? Do you think you would like to become a leader? Here are some questions you may be asking yourself:
Am I a leader? What is leadership? Who are leaders? Why do we need leaders? What do leaders do? What responsibilities do leaders have? If I become a leader, what do I need to know and what is expected of me? These are all good questions we need to ask ourselves.
Probably the first question you have is ‘I am really a leader? Does God want me to lead/minister to people?’ The answer to this question will be ‘yes’, whether it is leading one person or a lot of people. Each of us has been given a special gift which no one else has. God has something special for us all. God treats each one of us differently, and as very special children. That is one of the wonderful and marvellous things about God YOU ARE SPECIAL AND GOD IS CALLING YOU!!
We are
The question needed to be ask isn’t ‘I am a leader?’, but ‘What is God calling me to lead’? Leadership means we minister (care for) other people. Some people are good at leading groups up front, putting signs/words together that inspire people, or act in a way that others want to copy. Other people lead/minister by being supportive, by helping others and becoming skilled and clever at doing things that make everything run smoothly. There are other ways of leading/ministering too, like visiting, praying, caring: all are important.
1 Corinthians Together you are the body of Christ. Each one of you is part of God’s body. 28 First, God chose some people to be apostles and prophets and teachers for the church. But he also chose some to work miracles or heal the sick or help others or be leaders or speak different kinds of languages. 29 Not everyone is an apostle. Not everyone is a prophet. Not everyone is a teacher. Not everyone can work miracles. 30 Not everyone can heal the sick. Not everyone can speak different kinds of languages.
This Bible reading tells us that one person cannot lead the church on their own. It tells us that God wants everyone to have something special to do in the church. So God gives special gifts to different people. That way, God’s work is done and everyone has an opportunity to help with God’s work.
In the ADCF church, we need a lot of people with different gifts. We need: Preachers Worship leaders People to read the Bible and say prayers To help with Communion To set up and put away everything we need for services, People to set up the tea, etc. People to tidy up cupboards to make sure that the church is neat People who organise rosters and make sure administration happens.
What is leadership meant to be like? Many people think it is about telling people what to do, but this is a long, long way from the truth and the way Jesus behaved. We need to follow Jesus’ leadership style.
Caring for other people before we care for ourselves.
5 Church leaders, I am writing to encourage you. I too am a leader, as well as a witness to Christ's suffering, and I will share in his glory when it is shown to us. 2 Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must. 1 Peter Chapter: 5 Helping Christian Leaders 1 Peter Chapter: 5 Helping Christian Leaders
Let it be something you want to do, instead of something you do merely to make money. 3 Don't be bossy to those people who are in your care, but set an example for them.
If we work together so that everything that needs to be done is done with love and care, in God’s way, we will be successful in what we do.
Jesus always cared for people the way God wanted him to. He helped people first, and and always cared for other people before he looked after himself.
Honest Willing to learn S Knowing and Sharing God’s love Looking after the needs of the people Plans and goals Accepts people Enthusiasm
A leadership style is the way in which we lead people. Everyone has a style which suits them best. What is the leadership style that suits you?
Everyone is different. What colour are you? Leadership styles:
Here is how you like to lead:
Let’s look at some of the things we have learnt so far: Questions: (If you don’t know an answer, just check back through the power point and have a look) 1.Who is called by God to help lead/minister in the church? 2.Why do we need everyone involved in helping to lead? 3.Whose leadership style is the most important to follow? 4.What makes him different to many leaders? 5.Give an example of good leadership (slide 20 maybe helpful to look at). 6.What is your leadership style? 7.What do you think is the most helpful leadership style for our church? REVIEW: