China Dynasties Cornell Notes.


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Presentation transcript:

China Dynasties Cornell Notes

Xia Dynasty A dynasty is a line of rulers who belong to the same family and pass control from one generation to the next. Legend says that the “Great Engineer” Yu founded the first dynasty, the Xia (shee-uh) Dynasty.

Shang Dynasty Chou (Zhou) Dynasty 1700–c. 250 BCE Shang/Chou Dynasties Shang Dynasty Chou (Zhou) Dynasty 1700–c. 250 BCE Two families ruled China for the next 1500 years: first the Shang family ruled, and then the Chou family ruled. Teacher’s notes: The Chou Dynasty (sometimes spelled Zhou) is pronounced “joe.” For many thousands of years, China was mostly a rural society controlled by a series of powerful warrior-kings.

Important contributions of the Shang Dynasty : the use of bronze, a system of writing, ancestor worship, and the invention of chopsticks. Important contributions of the Chou Dynasty : the introductions of Confucianism and Taoism.

Emperor: First Emperor Qin 221–206 BCE Qin Dynasty Qin (Ch’in) Dynasty Emperor: First Emperor Qin 221–206 BCE Although he ruled for only 15 years, First Emperor Qin accomplished great things. He ruled with absolute control and by extreme punishment. Teacher’s notes: The Qin Dynasty is also called the Ch’in Dynasty. Both are correct. First Emperor Qin’s name is Qin Shi Huang. The Qin/Ch’in Dynasty marks the beginning of China’s Classical Age.

Important contributions of the Qin Dynasty First dynasty to rule/create “China” First Emperor of China-Shi Huangdi United China together Strong central government Start of bureaucracy Military expansion Starts the construction of the Great Wall

The Great Wall The Great Wall is truly big. Different parts of the wall are from 15 to 50 feet high. The base has a width of between 15 and 30 feet.

Han Dynasty About 200 BCE to 200 CE Life was good for many of the people because of the demand for Chinese silk and the creation of the the Silk Road, a major system of trade routes. Teacher’s notes: The Han Dynasty is also referred to as “Han times.” Both are correct.

Important contributions of the Han Dynasty Confucian style government Rise of Scholar Class Introduce Civil Service Examination Invent paper and porcelain

T’ang Dynasty T’ang Dynasty c. 600–900 CE The Golden Age of China By 600 CE, in early medieval times, China had become the wonder of the world. It was a time of prosperity, and experimentation Teacher’s notes: The Tang Dynasty is spelled T’ang and Tang. Both are correct.

Important contributions of the Tang Dynasty Period of peace and stability Expansion of Silk Road to increase trade Buddhism Many new inventions

Song Dynasty 960-1279 Period of peace and stability Buddhism + Confucianism = Neo-Confucianism Tons of new inventions

Yuan Dynasty 1280-1368 China falls to the Mongolians/Khans Genghis Khan Government was extremely cruel to the Chinese Lots of trade with foreigners and the West Marco Polo – 1st European account of China

Ming Dynasty 1369-1644 Expansionist and Isolationist Fear of foreign influence

Inventions The ancient Chinese invented many things we use today. They invented paper, silk, matches, the wheelbarrow, gunpowder, the decimal system, the waterwheel, porcelain, lacquer, the pottery wheel, fireworks, paper money, the compass, the seismograph, tangrams, medicines, dominoes, jump rope, kites, the tea ceremony, the folding umbrella, ink, the animal harness, playing cards, printing, the abacus, wallpaper, and the crossbow.

Conclusion The ancient Chinese were very clever people. Their culture was complex and made many lasting contributions to the world. Although outsiders call this land China, after the Ch’in (Qin) empire, the Chinese today call themselves the people of Han.