Español 1 Unidad 2-1
Números 0 – Cero6 – Seis 0 – Cero6 – Seis 1- Uno7 – Siete 1- Uno7 – Siete 2 – Dos8 – Ocho 2 – Dos8 – Ocho 3 – Tres9 – Nueve 3 – Tres9 – Nueve 4 - Cuatro 10 – Diez 4 - Cuatro 10 – Diez 5 - Cinco 5 - Cinco
11 – Once 11 – Once 12 – Doce 12 – Doce 13 – Trece 13 – Trece 14 – Catorce 14 – Catorce 15 – Quince 15 – Quince 16 – Diecíseis 16 – Diecíseis 17- Diecísiete 17- Diecísiete 18- Diecíocho 18- Diecíocho 19 – Diecínueve 19 – Diecínueve 20 – Veinte 20 – Veinte
30 – Treinta 30 – Treinta 40 – Cuarenta 40 – Cuarenta 50 – Cincuenta 50 – Cincuenta 60 – Sesenta 60 – Sesenta 70 – Setenta 70 – Setenta 80 – Ochenta 80 – Ochenta 90 – Noventa 90 – Noventa 100 – Cien 100 – Cien 1000 – Mil 1000 – Mil To say 101 = Ciento y Uno To say 101 = Ciento y Uno To say 111 = Ciento Once To say 111 = Ciento Once Only use y from 1-9 Only use y from 1-9
TENER = To have TengoTenemos TienesTenéis TieneTienen Used to describe age, possession and must (tener que)
La Hora ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it? To answer you reply: To answer you reply: Son las Son lasor Es la Use Y and minutes for the number of minutes after the hour (up to 30 min.) Use Y and minutes for the number of minutes after the hour (up to 30 min.) Use menos and minutes for the number of minutes before the hour (after 30 min.) Use menos and minutes for the number of minutes before the hour (after 30 min.)
La Hora ¿A qué hora es? – At what time is …? To answer you reply: To answer you reply: A las A lasor A la Same concept for telling time Same concept for telling time
Hora El mediodía = Noon El mediodía = Noon (12:00 p.m.) La medianoche = Midnight (12:00 a.m.) La medianoche = Midnight (12:00 a.m.) En punto = Sharp En punto = Sharp
Saying what you do: Present of –ar Verbs To form the present tense of regular verbs that end in –ar, use the following formula: To form the present tense of regular verbs that end in –ar, use the following formula: oamos asáis aan Drop the root of the verb (-ar) and simply add the formula. Ex: Bailar BailoBailamos BailasBailáis BailaBailan
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