Clinical Leadership Ian Govier
The same 5 common themes emerge from each inquiry. Since the inception of the NHS, more than 50 NHS public inquiries have been conducted to address catastrophic failures in patient care. Walshe & Higgins (2002) Disempowerment of staff and patients IsolationIsolation Poor communication Inadequate leadership / management Failure of systems and processes
Effective clinical leadership improves patient care
John Harvey-Jones (2002) “Leaders in the NHS need imagination, vision & charisma, allied with outstanding communication skills & the ability to fire their staff with enthusiasm”
“Lots of ordinary nurses are leaders – it is in the very nature of the job. Good care involves winning your patient’s confidence, convincing them to keep to their treatment regimes and inspiring them to battle their way back to health” (Crouch, 2002) Who are the leaders?
Exemplary (Clinical) Leaders (Kouzes and Posner, 2002) Challenge Inspire ModelEnable Encourage
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Challenge
Challenges to Clinical Leadership “The greatest difficulty in the world is not for people to accept new ideas, but to make them forget their old ideas!” John Maynard Keynes ‘ Are you kidding? I like it here!’
When you stop being a student, you stop being a nurse! (Wain, 2005)
“The one indisputable fact that characterises organisational life, is that CHANGE is inevitable.” (Beverley Alimo-Metcalfe, 2005)
Two choices regarding CHANGE: GET ORGANIZED or ‘go with the flow’ (Yoder-Wise, 1999)
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M.Scott Peck
“If you want to see change, be the change you want to see”
Beware of Change Saboteurs!!
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Inspire a shared VISION
The most important task of leadership is to define and nurture a shared VISION that energises and brings out the best in people James A. Vaughan
Let’s look at some VISIONS !
To make people happy To enable people & businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential To experience the emotion of competition, winning & crushing competitors To be the world’s favourite airline & the undisputed leader in world travel for the millennium
By 2015, through the efforts of the Assembly Government, the NHS, local authorities, their partners, the community and individuals, Wales will have minimised avoidable death, pain, delays, helplessness and waste.
We need World Class Leaders to deliver World Class Healthcare
Delivering this challenging strategy will require the full engagement of clinicians and other professionals… …leading and shaping services, ensuring that high standards of care will be the key driver for change.
Visions without actions are merely hallucinations!
The vision must be followed by the venture It is not enough to stare up the steps
What is my VISION for my NURSING CAREER?
Welsh Regional Burns Unit
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, but when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Enable
To become a leader one must believe in one’s own ability to achieve results for one’s self, but the real job of the leader is not doing it but ENABLING others to do it. Saskin & Rosenbach 1993
Where once leaders were aloof decision-makers, today they are dedicated collaborators & networkers whose role is to ENABLE & give power to their team rather than wield power to their own ends. Leaders on Leadership – an intimate view of life at the top of Europe plc Development Dimensions International (DDI), Research Report, January 2006
Sister Thomas - a great enabler & clinical leader - a great enabler & clinical leader
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Model
The main thing is to keep the main thing - the MAIN THING
It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a hospital that it should do the sick no harm.
Make the CARE OF PEOPLE your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity
The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody Compassion and Care
A patient is the most important person in our Hospital. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our Hospital. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.
As nurses, we have to be caring. We also need to be clever, articulate and determined. Strong and visible nursing leadership is part of effective nursing care. Nurses need to be in leadership positions at every level, from the bedside to the boardroom.
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Encourage about the principles & practices that support the basic human need to be appreciated for what we do & who we are. (Kouzes & Posner, 1997) Encouraging
The modern nurse is viewed by the public as a skilled and independent professional
Melissa Fitzpatrick (2005), former editor-in-chief of Nursing Management, wrote: ‘To the public these ads showcase diversity, intelligence, competence, and caring - the essence of nursing. ‘To the public these ads showcase diversity, intelligence, competence, and caring - the essence of nursing.’
Exemplary Clinical Leaders Challenge Inspire ModelEnable Encourage
Final Thoughts Final Thoughts
…what am I going to do differently after today? Clinical Leadership…
…I’ll probably do nothing about it! If I do nothing about it in 24 hours…
and finally…
We do not lead by being corporate, professional or institutional.
Clinical Leadership
Thank You Diolch Website: (click on School of Health Science, Swansea University)
Clinical Leadership