Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion How do we choose? There are two types of homonyms: Homophones= words that sound alike but have different meanings and different spellings, and Homographs= words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and often different pronunciations. Before continuing on to your TASK, click on the forward arrow to learn more about homophones and homographs. HOMONYMS Homonyms are words that sound the same or are spelled the same, but have different meanings (for example, there, they’re and their). We need to use the correct homonym to avoid confusion in our reading and writing.
How do we choose? Click here for a list of common homophone pairs and their definitions.
How do we choose? Click here for examples of common
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion With a partner, act out a short skit (1-2 minutes) where using a homonym creates a funny or confusing situation. Combine your talents with a partner to create a short comic strip where using a homonym creates a funny or confusing situation. OR A cartoon example Clever homonyms to give you ideas for your skit
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 With your partner, choose a pair of homonyms that you will work with to complete this task. A pair of homophones might be “pair” and “pear”. A pair of homographs might be “bow” and “bow”. Brainstorm with your partner. First, what are the two distinct meanings of the two words? How might these two words be confused in print or in speech? Create a cartoon using text and drawings to depict a situation where using your homonym pair creates confusion or humor. Write a short (one paragraph) skit to act out for the class with your partner. The dialogue between you and your partner should illustrate a confusing or funny situation created by using your homonym. OR
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Use this rubric to evaluate your comic or skit task before turning in your comic or presenting your skit to the class. You and your partner will share a grade for this assignment. Success! 1. Students identify a true homonym pair. 2. The comic or skit clearly demonstrates the difference between the two words. 3. Students participate in their collaborative partnership, actively contributing to the creation of their cartoon or skit. Needs review/improvement 1.The pair of words chosen are not a true homonym pair. 2.Student skit or comic does not clearly differentiate between the meanings of the two words of the homonym pair. 3. The majority of the contributions to the task are made by only one member of the collaborative partnership.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Homograph game 1 Homograph game 2 Congratulations on finishing your task! Click on the links below for more homonym fun! Homophone game 1 Homophone song
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Task Process Evaluation This webquest informs middle school Language Arts students about the use of homonyms in the English language, and about two types of homonyms- homophones and homographs. Through a short collaborative project students are able to experience and demonstrate the pitfalls of using the incorrect homonym in a situation they have created. This webquest addresses KY Language Arts teacher standard in Vocabulary #1 (Determine or clarify the meaning of an unknown words by using one or more of the following strategies…), #2 (Determine the relevant meaning of multiple-meaning words by context), and Speaking and Listening Standard #1 (Participate one on one, in small groups, and as a whole class, joining in discussions and remaining flexible and adaptable as participants). Conclusion
A bear walks into a bar… “ Hello bartender, I’ll have a beer and a………………………………….. ………………………………………….. bag of pretzels.” Why the big pause? Get it? Paws/Pause? Back