Dep Rep Report!
Anthropology: Bhavin/Ken Going to exec meeting – more to report later…
American Studies: Brendan Brendan Clements is a beautiful human being. With nothing to report. This is not grammatically correct. Also – congrats to our new rep!!!
Economics: Bhupinder/Golden Economic Outlook Analysts' applications were due Oct. 16th ESA Academic Team applications were also due Oct. 16th Get your friends, frosh and fellow students to join ESA! Benefits: Be part of an awesome club Get the chance to hear amazing speakers (in the past we've had people such as Paul Matin and Perrin Beatty) Have the economics exam bank at your disposal. Makes studying for those exams just that much easier. Join the ESA facebook group Twitter
First Nations: Andrew Congrats to our new rep!!
Geography: Shirley 1) GSA had their first exec meeting. They are starting to plan different events for the year. If you would like to join GSA, contact the President Laurissa Wiitalla 2) GSA has facebook (The UWO Geography Students' Association) and 3) Pizza and Prof!! Wednesday October 26, pm-7pm. SSC Come for some free food and meet your geo profs and mingle with other students.
History: Caitlin/Jenny Our trip to the Oil Museum of Canada and Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site was last friday! It was amazing - 5 professors came too! Trivia and Board Game Night (aka Risk) - coming in November!
MOS: Mary/Justina MOS PROF-STUDENT social this thursday at the Wave from 5-7 pm ! Free for MOSSA members or $5 at door
Political Science: Jessica/Monica Prof Student Social is coming up! November 1. Details to be announced! Jess will be doing a Politics 1020E Review session on October 26 at 7pm, as part of her LAMP duties, and I've opened it up to all students interested!
Psychology: Nikki/Sabrina Psych has nothing new to report!!
Sociology: Ryan Looking forward to election results!
Women’s Studies: Kyle Congrats to our new rep!!!