Maine Laboratory Certification Program June 20, 2013 Jennifer Jamison Laboratory Certification Officer Phone: (207) Presentation kindly provided by: Carlton Gardner 1
2 Jen has a Master’s Degree in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Southern Maine. She has been employed in a Virology Lab. She has provided service for commercial and educational laboratories. In addition, Jen has taught science in multiple outreach programs over the past ten years. You can contact Jen at or
Rulemaking Hope to get approval to have the Maine Laboratory Certification Rules go through the rule making process in the Fall of 2013 We would appreciate input from the labs regarding any other changes they would like to see in the rules The good, the bad, and the ugly 3
Rulemaking The Good Depending upon how the Rule is written, labs may be permitted to use new methods and technology without delay any time there is an EPA update. 4
Rulemaking The Bad If the new rule is permitted, allowing immediate updates based on EPA changes, labs using older methods and equipment may be impacted as their current methods may no longer be valid. 5
Rulemaking The Ugly If the new Maine Rule is written to allow immediate method updates, we will have to update all the certificates at once… You can help by letting us know which methods you plan to add to your certification in advance to prevent a lapse in your certification… You may see where Jen going with this… 6
Rulemaking Jennifer will plan to communicate with the labs when impending changes will be occurring It would be advisable to evaluate and comment on prospective EPA method updates Please send any ideas you have about changes to the Maine Rules to Jennifer Jamison 7
Questions or Comments If you have any questions about Maine's Certification Program, Matt Sica is in the room!! 8
STATE OF MAINE COMPREHENSIVE AND LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY CERTIFICATION RULES “….analyze water, soil, solid or hazardous waste, or radiological samples for the use of programs of the Department of Health and Human Services or the Department of Environmental Protection.” 9
Maine DEP Kelly Perkins, former Lab Cert Officer, is now at Me DEP in Remediation Waste. Kelly Perkins, former Lab Cert Officer, is now at Me DEP in Remediation Waste. If DEP is ordering compliance testing at a waste site, Kelly’s first statement is…. “Is the lab certified to do these tests?” If DEP is ordering compliance testing at a waste site, Kelly’s first statement is…. “Is the lab certified to do these tests?” Jennifer is now processing numerous requests for new lab certifications and additional certification parameters. Jennifer is now processing numerous requests for new lab certifications and additional certification parameters. 10
Analysis Reporting 1. Unless a shorter period is specified, the results of tests, measurements, and analyses required by Sections 7, 8 and 9 of these regulations shall be reported by the tenth day of the month following the month in which the samples were analyzed. 12
Analysis Reporting 2. All reports of laboratory analyses for compliance purposes must be submitted to the Department by the certified laboratory contracted by the public water system to analyze the samples. 13
Analysis Reporting.. 2. Continued…. Any portion of the analysis sub-contracted to another certified laboratory must be reported by the primary contracted laboratory. The primary contracted laboratory must submit the final report to the Department. 14
Out-of-State Labs We will contact you when we’re ready to move forward. We will contact you when we’re ready to move forward. For now, please e–mail results to: For now, please e–mail results to: 15
Maine regulates 1,900 Public Water Systems 400 Community 400 Community 400 Non-transient non community 400 Non-transient non community transients transients –Most are quarterly Total Coliform Bacteria –And annual Nitrate (Most Maine systems are on a 9 year Nitrite schedule.) 16
Maine currently has 11 commercial labs 2 labs analyze just bacteria 2 labs analyze just bacteria A new lab is in the planning stages for the mid-coast Maine area A new lab is in the planning stages for the mid-coast Maine area There are no labs north of Bangor There are no labs north of Bangor (Hint, Hint) 17
What’s Coming……. 18
Stage 2 Rule Locational Running Annual Averages for TTHM and HAA5 go into effect: Locational Running Annual Averages for TTHM and HAA5 go into effect: –>100,000 April 2012 –10,000-49,999 October 2013 –<10,000 October
Stage 2 D/DBP Rule Same MCLs (TTHM & HAA5) as Stage 1 Rule Same MCLs (TTHM & HAA5) as Stage 1 Rule Must meet MCL everywhere in the distribution system (using Locational Running Annual Averages- LRAA) Must meet MCL everywhere in the distribution system (using Locational Running Annual Averages- LRAA) Monitoring required for consecutive systems Monitoring required for consecutive systems 20
Revised Total Coliform Rule was promulgated on February 13, States must adopt by April 1 st, Revised Total Coliform Rule was promulgated on February 13, States must adopt by April 1 st, Long Term Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule Fall? Long Term Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule Fall?
Questions? Carlton Gardner Maine Drinking Water Program 22
Issues with the Postal Service 23