Iredell-Statesville Schools AIG Local Plan Parent Informational Meeting
North Carolina AIG Standards 1. Student Identification 2. Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction 3. Personnel & Professional Development 4. Comprehensive Programming within the Total School Community 5. Partnerships 6. Program Accountability
What is an AIG Student? -NCDPI An AIG student… Performs or shows potential to perform at higher levels of accomplishment when compared with others of his/her age, experience, or environment. Exhibits high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or both. Requires differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular education program. Comes from a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds.
The State AIG Plan: A focus for Iredell-Statesville Schools The Why- Our rationale for why we do what we do The What- What opportunities our students have and how we best meet their needs The Who- How are students identified and the levels of services provided
The “Why” To best meet the needs of our AIG learners who are AIG all day, every day To train our school personnel on best practices for advanced learners To respond to the feedback from all AIG stakeholders in order to improve services
The “Why” As outlined in the local gifted plan, we strive to inform all stakeholders: parents, students, teachers, school administrators, and support staff about the delivery of differentiated services and instruction for AIG students, the regulations related to gifted education, and the local AIG plan. This information is available on the district website, through individual student conferences and through both staff and parent meetings.
The “Who” Grades K-2 Ability and achievement test scores 95 th percentile or higher Tested on an individual basis based upon the referral approved by the GPS team Testing can only be done once in K-2 Criteria is higher due to the fact only two are used Grades 3-12 Ability (CogAT/90 th percentile or higher), achievement (EOG/93 rd percentile or higher), final grades (93 percent or higher) Qualifying scores need to be in the same subject area There continue to be multiple pathways for identification (portfolios, alternative assessments, Iowa Acceleration Scale).
Additional Considerations Level I Students--AIG-identified students transferring from another district Level II Students AIG students meeting the 93 rd percentile or higher achievement/93 percent or higher final grades/90 th percentile or higher CogAT requirements Level II Students K-2--AIG students meeting the 95 th percentile or higher aptitude and 95 th percentile or higher achievement requirements Level III Students--AIG students qualifying for subject advancement – 99 th percentile in aptitude/achievement and 99% final grades in one specific subject area Level IV Students--AIG students qualifying for grade advancement – 99 th percentile in both reading and math in aptitude/achievement and 99% grades in both reading and math; Iowa Acceleration Scale; principal observations; Director of AIG consultation * A screening list is kept at each school of potential students and updated regularly to reflect current data
The “Who” continued…
The Portfolio Pathway Students are given the option in 5 th, 7 th, and 10 th grades to complete a portfolio when they have two of three criteria for identification. Parents are notified and sign permission for the portfolio process. Portfolios should include five exemplary work samples completed at school in the area of consideration. Students and teachers reflect on each sample, and a teacher recommendation is included. Portfolios are evaluated by the portfolio screening committee using a rubric for scoring. Passing portfolio scores take the place of the missing criterion for identification.
The AIG student D.E.P… a differentiated education plan, not just a project The new format allows for a more comprehensive, individualized plan which can best meet the specific needs of a student. Goals are set and reviewed throughout the year with the culminating showcase celebrating student work.
The “How” Teacher-guided content modifications Technology enrichment, blended learning and telecommunication Curriculum compacting, contracts, independent projects, choice options, problem based learning and personalized assignments Convergent and divergent thinking activities and questioning, advanced vocabulary, shared inquiry and differentiated curriculum units
The “How” Student-led curriculum modifications Independent research projects based on student areas of interest Affective learning areas for improvement such as: organization and management, learner profile traits, social and emotional needs, leadership and collaboration Academic clubs and competitions in areas of interest
9th-12th Grade DEP The DEP will remain the same for now The DEP is completed electronically at each school site Parents, students, and school personnel sign a verification form to indicate the DEP has been completed It is a compilation of student course work, extra curricular activities, and community service experiences The DEP for grades 9-12 will be revised this year as we transition to PowerSchool and personalized learning through the IMPACT grant
Differentiated Core Instruction: Tier I of Responsiveness to Instruction (RTI) Differentiated core instruction provided to all students Differentiation of content, process, product, pacing, and/or environment Use of research/evidence based strategies Use of blended learning
School Choice Options International Baccalaureate (IB): MMIB, NVIB, SIHS – Schools committed to a high quality, challenging, international education for all students Virtual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC): SHS – Students have the opportunity to complete a challenging five-year program that includes a fine arts endorsement on the high school diploma, as well as an associate’s degree Collaborative College for Technology & Leadership (CCTL) – Provides technology-enriched curriculum for students who simultaneously earn a high school degree & an associate’s degree James Iredell AP Academy (SHS): – Students complete a rigorous course of study that requires them to take a minimum of seven Advanced Placement classes NC School of Science and Math virtual courses NC Virtual Public School courses
On the Horizon… IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) at SIHS Credit by Demonstrated Mastery The process by which LEAs shall, based upon a body-of- evidence, award a student credit for a particular course without requiring the student to complete classroom instruction for a certain amount of seat time NCDPI is developing implementation guidelines for this NC State Board of Education policy Mastery will be demonstrated through a multi-phase assessment including a standard examination and an artifact CDM will be available to students in grades 6-12
Enrichment Opportunities Spelling Bee-Goodin Robotics – Weddington Battle of the Books - Hepler ISS Summer Enrichment Camps Local university sponsored opportunities Additional competitions through the individual schools NCASA Scholastic Cup competitions (Quiz Bowl, Twelve, The Quill, Art Showcase, Show Choir) NC Governor’s School NC Summer Ventures
We need your input! Iredell Statesville Schools looks for AIG stakeholder input throughout the district. The district has created an AIG Advisory Team in order to review the district AIG processes and the local plan in order to ensure continuous improvement. If interested, please contact Mrs. Teresa Stevens, Director of AIG.
General Questions??
Thank you for attending! This presentation will be available on the District AIG Website and Central’s website under Departments (AIG): (click on departments, curriculum, AIG) Have a great school year!