Data Management and the Asbestos Management Plan LCDR Robert Horsch Environmental Compliance Branch Division of Environmental Protection
Objectives Provide a representation of how the Division of Environmental Protection at NIH is using GIS tools as a method for managing data Demonstrate a novel method for managing a real- time asbestos management program.
Background NIH’s Bethesda campus 99 buildings 12.4 Million Square Feet of functional interior space 320 Acres of land 18,000 employees Continuous renovation/modernization activities Oldest building was constructed in 1938 Supports leading medical research for US and the World
Asbestos: Goals Survey: Complete a thorough survey of the Bethesda Campus for Asbestos Database: Store the surveyed data in a maintained manner allowing for quick information retrieval Integration: Develop a novel tool for providing asbestos information, real-time location information, and IT application.
Asbestos: Components
Data Collection Tool The MAP: Current floor plan with room numbers Sample creation: Sample points and Building Materials are selected or created depending on the condition of the “as- builts” in the system.
Data Collection Tool The TOOL: Pull-down menus Data Entry: Structured from regulatory coding with pull- down menus to limit inconsistency.
Data Collection Tool Sample points can have 3 photos which are managed by the system and automatically linked.
Data Collection Tool Building materials have their own buttons and specific information to be collected. Each homogenous feature connects to a sample point and therefore, lab results and photos.
Data Collection Tool Data properties for selected samples can be displayed in multiple summary means creating opportunities for quality control of the asbestos management plan.
Input Electronic lab results of samples received directly from the laboratory are imported and functionally incorporated into the database.
Output Analysis results can be used in Excel for searching, filtering and reporting.
Output Specific queries can be run and reports generated yielding real-time documents useable by Project Officers, Facility Managers, and Institutes for planning and budgetary decisions.
Output Plus, maps…
Status Buildings – All facilities constructed before Approximately 35 spaces on the Bethesda Campus 2. Office, Mechanical, and Lab 3. Completed 10 of 35 spaces 4. Projected completion is 2012 fiscal Fully integrate into the Facilities Management Viewer (FMV) with select access capability Provide asbestos abatement layer to identify areas remediated and the project number.
Future: DEP Programs Create data collection tools for additional legacy hazardous wastes: 1.Mercury 2.Lead 3.Persistent Organic Pollutants Finish development on DEP programs to support automation with relation to data management. 1.Spill Response and Countermeasures 2.Soil Erosion 3.Storm Water Management Fully integrate into the FMV with a “portal” design to provide a seamless front end for users. Contact: Robert Horsch * Phone: *