Educational Programs Meridith Bruozas, Manager Educational Programs & Outreach Argonne National Laboratory Mississippi State University Monday, September 9,
About Argonne Leading the world in providing scientific and engineering solutions to the grand challenges of our time: sustainable energy, a healthy environment, and a secure nation. Apply a unique mix of world-class science, engineering and user facilities to deliver innovative research and technologies. Create new knowledge that addresses the most important scientific and societal needs of our nation. Argonne's programmatic activities cover all aspects of the innovation ecology: basic research, technology development and prototype development and testing. We regularly work with industry through exclusive licensing, joint research and a variety of other mechanisms to transfer our inventions to the marketplace. 2
Core Missions 3 Energy SecurityNational Security Biological & Environmental Systems Science & Technology Use Inspired Science and Engineering… … Discovery and Transformational Science and Engineering
4 Chang’s work focuses on determining the fundamental properties of the universe to understand how it evolved using a telescope located in the South Pole.
Developing the Next Generation 5 STEM K-12 Programs Undergrad Programs Graduate Programs Post Doc Programs Faculty Programs Inspire middle and high school students to study STEM topics Encourage undergraduate students to commit to STEM careers by providing hands-on opportunities in the R&D workplace Train, educate and mentor grad students for career success Provide postdocs with additional experience and mentoring to ensure career success Develop collaborative programs and relationships with faculty at colleges, universities and corporations
Undergraduate and Graduate Placement 6 UndergraduatesGraduates
Photon Sciences 9% Physical Sciences and Engineering 63% Computing, Environmental and Life Sciences 16% Energy Engineering and Systems Analysis 12% Post-Doctorate Placement
8 Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate intern operating a high speed Pin-on-Disk Tribometer
Undergraduate Opportunities Seasonal Internships Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Student Research Participation (SRP) Community College Internship (CCI) Temporary Employee Opportunities Research Aide (RA) Cooperative Education (Co-op) Undergraduate Symposium 9
10 Universities Our Students Come From
11 Graduate Programs Preparation of silver chloride nanowires Argonne, Center for Nanoscale Materials
Graduate Programs Components of a PhD Laboratory Graduate Participant (Lab Grad) Guest Graduate (GGS) Visiting Graduate (VGS) Thesis Parts (TP) Temporary Employee Opportunities Research Aide (RA) Cooperative Education (Co-op) National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering 12
13 Examination of luminescent solar concentrator Argonne, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Nanophotonics Group Post Doctoral Programs
Post Doc Programs Appointments Distinguished Fellowships –Director Fellows –Named Post Doc Fellows Division Appointments Continuing Education Lab Committee Career Building Seminars Yearly Post Doc Symposium 14
15 Faculty Programs Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS)
Faculty Programs Collaborating on Argonne Research Faculty Research Participation Guest Faculty Research Participation Shared Research Interest Visiting Faculty Program Sabbatical Program 16 Tandem-Linac Accelerator System
Louis Stokes Mid-West Center for Excellence Goal Develop strategies to improve urban, rural, and minority students’ performance, persistence, and success in STEM degree programs provide opportunities for faculty and students from minority attended universities to participate in rigorous STEM activities Program Create a center to assist 28 midwestern universities Host center workshops, conferences, webinars and research internships Argonne will support the development of virtual resources and provide opportunities outside of the classroom, such as internships and webinars Funded by National Science Foundation 17
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Questions 19 Argonne National Laboratory