ABSS Academically Intellectually Gifted Program
AIG DEP/IDEP Meeting Agenda 1.Introductions 2.How will my child be served? 3.What service options will my child receive? 4.What activities will my child be involved in this year? 5.The Reevaluation, Process, Questions/Concerns 7. Signing the DEP/IDEP
AIG Services K-3 Students are served two times each week for a minimum of 30 minutes per class. This equals 1 hour per week in each identified area.
AIG Services Resource 4 – 5 Grades Students are served 1 ½ hours per week (usually 45 minutes per class, two times each week) for each identified area.
AIG Accelerated Services 4-5 Grades Students are served an additional 45 minutes per week for each identified area.
AIG Program Service Options Cluster Grouping Resource Class with AIG Specialist Cross-age and/or Subject Grouping Classroom Differentiated Instruction
AIG Activities May Include: Problem-Based Learning Projects Integration of Technology Exposure to Junior Great Books and other Literature Emphasis on Critical Thinking Skills Research Projects
AIG Placement Process with which 3 rd graders were placed in Spring K-2 nd were placed according to accelerated guidelines. Cognitive Abilities Test (Aptitude) IOWA Test of Basic Skills ( Achievement) Report Card Grades Classroom Observation Inventory To qualify for AIG services students must have 3 out of 4 areas within the Resource; at least one area must be a test score. To qualify for Acceleration services, students must meet all 4 criteria in the accelerated range. Test scores 93% - 96% Grades A/B OI score Resource Test scores 97% -99% All A’s OI score Accelerated
AIG Placement Process, 4 th, 5th Grade, with which these students were placed in Spring 2013 Test scores 93% - 97% Grades A/B OI score Resource Test scores 98% -99% All A’s OI score Accelerated Cognitive Abilities Test (Aptitude) IOWA Test of Basic Skills ( Achievement) Report Card Grades and/or Previous Year’s EOG Scores Classroom Observation Inventory To qualify for AIG services students must have 3 out of 4 areas within the Resource range; at least one area must be a test score. Students must meet all 4 criteria in the acceleration range to qualify for accelerated services.
Questions or Concerns AIG teachers and lead teachers (coordinators) are asked to revise the plan every three years. The new plan has been approved by the school board and will be available on the ABSS website within the next month. According to the new plan, which goes into effect for the school year, students will not be re-evaluated.
AIG Breakout Sessions Thanks for coming! Together we can make a difference ! Sign your child’s DEP Meet with your child’s regular education teacher!