Data set—2 columns in an excel spreadsheet: groupx How To Do It: An Example FYI group mean
XL Stat ANOVA: Modeling data Anova For the “Y / Dependent variables: Quantitative” highlight your dep var For the “X / Explanatory variables: Qualitative” highlight your categorical predictor; i.e., your segment membership Under the outputs tab, click on “Type III SS” (*necessary if you have unbalanced data; i.e., diff n in diff cells)
XL Stat: Output Analysis of variance: SourceDF Sum of squares Mean squaresFPr > F Model < Error Corrected Total Computed against model Y=Mean(Y)
XL Stat ANOVA include interaction terms among 2+ factors: Modeling data Anova For the “Y / Dependent variables: Quantitative” highlight your dep var For the “X / Explanatory variables: Qualitative” highlight your categorical predictors; i.e., your experimental factors –If you want interactions among the factors in the model, go to the options tab, click on interactions, then in the window that pops up, click on all the effects you want in the model Under the outputs tab, click on “Type III SS”
XLStat For Help: click on “support” and then “tutorials”