1 Control: Transactions that exceed the budget will error out during the budget checking process. No further processing can be performed until the transaction error is corrected by an authorized agency user or the budget is overridden by an authorized user. Track: Transactions that exceed the budget will pass the budget checking process and be tracked without exception warnings or error messages. Transactions pass even if budget is for a zero amount. Budgetary Control Options Core-CT offers two basic forms of budgetary control:
2 Budget Tracking Options Core-CT will offer the ability to further refine the Agency 2 and Project 2 Budget Structures into two categories: Track with Budget Track
3 Track with Budget: ● Budgets must be established for all Chartfield combinations. As a result, every transaction must have a corresponding budget. ● Agencies that do no want to budget for a portion of their appropriated budget to the detail account level (e.g. Personal Service), must create zero dollar budgets journals for these budgets. ● If a transaction is created and it has no corresponding budget, the transaction will fail and no further processing may occur until an authorized user overrides the transaction. Budget Tracking Options – Track with Budget
4 The following is an example of an Agency 2 budget in Core-CT for MHA: Budget Tracking Options – Track with Budget (example) If a transaction was coded for MHA to the account for $10,000, it would find the above budget and reduce the agency’s budget to $40,000. If a transaction was created for MHA to the account (Sal & Wages – Temp), it would fail since no budget exist at the account value.
5 Budget Tracking Options – Track with Budget (example) Below is an example of the Budget Inquiry. No Budget inquiry would be available for the transaction since failed the budget checking process: Sal & Wage – Full Time Budget50,000 Pre-Encumbrance 0 Encumbrance 0 Expenditure10,000 Remaining Spending Authority 40,000
6 Budget Tracking Options – Track with Budget (example) Pros: ● Agencies are able to enforce budgetary Chartfield combinations since all transactions are required to find a valid budget, even if the amount is $0. Cons: ● Agencies are required to established budgets for each Chartfield combination it plans to transact against. If an agency does not want to associate a budget dollar for the Chartfield combination, it must still create a zero dollar budget journal in order for the transaction to pass the budget check process.
7 Track: ● Budgets do not have to be established for all Chartfield combinations. ● Agencies wanting to budget only a portion of their appropriated budget may decide which Chartfield combinations to budget. No zero dollar budget journals are required for non-budgeted expenditures. ● If a transaction is created and a corresponding budget exists, it will reduce the budget and continue processing. ● If a transaction is created and the corresponding budget does not exist, the transaction will be posted to the budget ledger, but will not reduce a budget. The transaction will then continuing processing. No budgetary override is required. Budget Tracking Options – Track
8 The following is an example of the only Project 2 budget in Core-CT for DEP: Budget Tracking Options – Track (example) If a transaction was coded for DEP to the account for $2,000, it would find the above budget and reduce the agency’s budget to $13,000. If a transaction was created for DEP to the account (Motor Vehicle - Fuel) for $7,000, it would continue processing even though no budget exist at the account value.
9 Budget Tracking Options – Track (example) Below is an example of the Budget Inquiry Motor Vehicle- Rental Budget15,000 Pre-Encumbrance 0 Encumbrance 0 Expenditure2,000 Remaining Spending Authority 13,000
10 Budget Tracking Options – Track (example) Below is an example of the Budget Inquiry Motor Vehicle - Fuel Budget 0 Pre-Encumbrance 0 Encumbrance 0 Expenditure7,000 Remaining Spending Authority (7,000)
11 Budget Tracking Options – Track (example) Pros: ● Agencies are not required to create budgets for all agency budgeted Chartfield combinations. As a result, an agency can budget selected expenditures (e.g. OE) to the detail account level and may exclude others expenditures (e.g. Personal Service) for the budget process. ● Agencies may view budgeted and non-budgeted expenditures using the Core-CT budget inquiry pages. Cons: ● Agencies are unable to enforce budgetary Chartfield combinations under the Allotment level since all transactions are not required to find a valid budget.
12 Next Steps Finalize Agency 2 and Project 2 track options – May 30 Agencies that do not response will be configured with the Track with budget option. Create Spreadsheet Budget Journals – June 6 Contacts: Carl Michael Bob Ryan Susan