Partner receiver - Project Coordinator - Intermediate Project for E.U. projects Logistics and Consulting - support. Promote and implement partnerships between companies / local institutions, with external partners (schools, training center, cultural organizations, etc) to purpose and create professional internships in connection with EU programs and others.
Setúbal is located 40 km south of Lisbon, near the Atlantic Ocean. Rich in various domains,..Tourism, Industry, Trade. The wine production of excellent quality of their land is a natural consequence, having as its maximum excelibris the Moscatel wine. With 140,000 inhab., has many beautiful beaches, Arrábida mountain, Tróia peninsula, with its marina and luxurious hotels and endless beaches, where we will see surely the best views in the country. In the estuary, is hosted a community of resident dolphins, congregate all the conditions for a perfect scenario of a city by the sea.
Restaurants Hotels / Tourism Secretariat Informatics Accounting Viniculture Agriculture Bakery Etc…
City Council Setubal Turism Hotels School Setubal Inst. Conserv. Nature and Forests(RNES and PNArr) AVIPE (wine producer in Palmela) Several Official and Private Schools from all education levels Several Hotels in Setú Several Restaurants in Setú Several Commercial Estab. in Setúbal Tourism of Portugal (Of. Dep. The Ministry of Economy ) …and many more institutions from differents sectors of the local economy.
Address: Practa. Mestre Boitaca, Nº 9 – 1º Esq SETÚBAL - PORTUGAL Mobile Phones: +351 – – Portuguese English Romanian Spanish French Russian For more information, please consult us. Your contact is important for us.