Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website The site is: IP / Web-based User-friendly Intuitive / self-explanatory Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website Overview Create profile on Off-Duty Website. Your profile will be reviewed and verified by administrator. Select event and click “intent” to work. If selected to work the event, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from the administrator. Acknowledge confirmation by clicking “confirm.” You are now scheduled to work event. You may retract up to 30 days prior to the event. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website Click “Create a new Account” Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website Complete required information Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website Complete required information Click “Save Account Information” Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
This is your account screen that will appear each time you successfully log in to the system. Off-Duty Website Select the event you would like to work Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Review the event details Review the event details. If you decide that you want to work the event, click SUBMIT to be considered for an assignment. Off-Duty Website Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website Confirm your intent or cancel. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website You will be directed to this confirmation screen and you will receive an email confirmation sent to the email address on your account. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Once selected to work an event, you will need to confirm receipt by clicking CONFIRM. Off-Duty Website Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Read the disclaimer and follow the instructions on the screen. Off-Duty Website Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website You are now confirmed for the selected event and will receive an email message. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website You can retract your intent up to 30 days prior to the event date. Within 30 days of the event you will be accountable to find a replacement and ensure that your replacement reports for work as scheduled. Your replacement must be an officer who has already been hired to work at Cowboys Stadium. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website Follow instructions to retract your intent to work. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Off-Duty Website You will see this message and receive an email confirmation of your retraction. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website You will sign-up to work the event, not a specific position. Positions will be assigned and you will receive notification via e-mail of your post, briefing time/location, and assignment duties prior to the event date. Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website If you fail to show for your assignment and/ or fail to have your assigned shift covered by a replacement twice(2x): you will be locked out of the system Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training
Arlington Police Department Off-Duty Website For questions or issues with the website contact : Sergeant Cable Johnson (817) 459-5670 or via e-mail at: Cowboys Stadium Ambassador & Operations Training