Muscles of facial expression Frontalis O: Frontal Bone I: eyebrow skin Action: elevates eyebrows
Muscles of facial expression Orbicularis oculi Sphincter muscle of eyelid O: frontal & maxillary bones I: tissue of eyelid Action: closes eye Nerve: facial / CN VII (11.6)
Muscles of facial expression Orbicularis oris Sphincter muscle around mouth O: Maxilla; mandible I: skin around mouth Action: closes/ protrudes lips
Muscles of facial expression Zygomaticus O: zygomatic bone I: corners of mouth Action: smiling Nerve: facial / CN VII Major and Minor (11.6)
Muscles of facial expression Platysma Broad plate-like muscle O: chest fascia I: mandible; skin at corners of mouth Action: depresses mandible, pulls lower lip down
Muscles of mastication Masseter O: zygomatic arch I: angle & ramus of mandible Action: elevate mandible Nerve: trigeminal nerve / CN V (foramen ovale) Masseter (11.7a)
Muscles of mastication Temporalis O: temporal fossa I: coronoid process of mandible Action: elevate and retract mandible Nerve: trigeminal n. / CN V (11.7a)
Muscles of mastication Buccinator O: molar area of mandible/ maxilla I: orbicularis oris Action: compresses cheek
Muscles of neck & throat Sternocleidomastoid O: manubrium & medial clavicle I: mastoid process of temporal bone Action: head & neck flexion, rotate head contralaterally Nerve: accessory n. / CN XI (11.8a)
Muscles of neck & throat Sternocleidomastoid
Extrinsic tongue muscles Styloglossus O: styloid process of temporal bone I: tongue Action: retract & elevate tongue Nerve: hypoglossal n. / CN XII Styloglossus (11.7c)
Extrinsic tongue muscles Hyoglossus O: hyoid bone I: tongue Action: depresses tongue Nerve: hypoglossal n. / CN XII Hyoid bone (11.7c)
Muscles of neck & throat Digastric two muscle bellies with an intermediate tendon attached to the hyoid bone O: inferior margin of mandible (anterior belly); mastoid process of temporal bone (posterior belly) I: hyoid bone Action: elevate hyoid, stabilize hyoid, depress mandible Nerve: trigeminal n. / CN V (anterior belly), facial n. / CN VII (posterior belly) Posterior belly Anterior belly (11.8a)
Muscles of neck & throat Stylohyoid O: styloid process of temporal bone I: hyoid bone Action: elevate & retract hyoid, swallow Nerve: facial n. / CN VII Stylohyoid (11.7c)
Muscles of neck & throat Sternohyoid O: manubrium & medial end of clavicle I: hyoid bone Action: depress hyoid Sternohyoid (11.8a)
Muscles of neck & throat Pharyngeal constrictors O: mandible, pterygoid process, hyoid, laryngeal cartilages I: posterior medial raphe of pharynx Action: peristaltic contraction / swallow Superior Middle Inferior (11.8b)
Hip & knee muscles Gluteus muscles Maximus Medius Minimus (deep) O: post. Ilium/ sacrum; I: gluteal tuberosity Action: thigh extension; ext. rotation; abduction Medius O: post. Ilium; I: gluteal tuberosity Action: thigh abduction Minimus (deep)
Hip & knee muscles O: post. Ilium; I: gluteal tuberosity Gluteus minimus Gluteus muscles Minimus (deep) O: post. Ilium; I: gluteal tuberosity Action: thigh abduction
Hip & knee muscles Adductors O: Ischium/ pubis I: femur Action: adduct thigh Sartorius O: ant. Iliac crest I: medial tibial tuberosity Action: thigh flexion; abduction; ext. rotation
Hip & knee muscles Tensor fasciae latae Iliopsoas Gracilis O: Iliac crest I: lateral condyle tibia Action: thigh abduction Iliopsoas O: ilium I: lesser trochanter Action: thigh flexion (P.M.) Gracilis O: pubis; I: prox. medial tibia Action: adduct thigh
Hip & knee muscles Quadriceps femoris O: Proximal femur I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action: extend knee, flex thigh
Hip & knee muscles (deep) Quadriceps femoris O: Proximal femur I: tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action: extend knee, flex thigh Vastus lateralis intermedius medialis Patella Patellar ligament Rectus femoris tendon (cut)
Hip & knee muscles Hamstrings O: ischial tuberosity I: posterior proximal tibia Action: extend thigh, flex knee
Leg muscles Tibialis anterior O: lateral condyle and shaft of tibia I: tarsal and first metatarsal bones Action: dorsiflexion Extensor digitorum longus O: lat. Condyle tibia; I: phalanges 2-5 Action: extends toes, dorsiflexion
Leg muscles Gastrocnemius O: medial & lateral condyles of femur I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon Action: plantar flexion, flex knee Soleus plantar flexion Fibularis plantar flexion, eversion
Back muscles Spinalis (11.9d) O: spines of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae I: spines of upper thoracic and cervical vertebrae Action: extends vertebral column (11.9d)
Deep thorax muscles External & internal intercostals (11.10a) O&I: inferior & superior border of ribs Action: inspiration and expiration Internal (11.10a)
Deep thorax muscles Diaphragm (11.10b) O: xiphoid process, ribs 10-12, lumbar vertebrae I: central tendon Action: flattens on contraction (inspiration) Nerve: phrenic nerves Xiphoid process (11.10b)
Abdominal wall muscles Rectus abdominis O: pubic crest & symphysis I: xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5- 7 Action: flex & rotate lumbar vertebrae, stabilize pelvis during walking, increase intraabdominal pressure Note: 3 tendinous insertions, aponeurosis & linea alba (11.11ab)
Abdominal wall muscles Oblique Internal external Transverse
Posterior trunk muscles Trapezius O: occipital bone, C7- T12 spinous processes I: acromion, spine of scapula, lateral 1/3 of clavicle Action: elevate, adduct, depress scapula, extend head POSTERIOR VIEW (11.13b)
Posterior trunk muscles Latissimus dorsi O: Fascia spines T7- L5 I: intertuburcular groove humerus Action: PM arm extension, adduction arm
Posterior trunk muscles Rhomboid O: spinous process C7- T5 I: medial scapula Action: adduct scapula Levator scapulae O: Transverse process C1-C4 I: medial border scapula Action: elevate scapula
Shoulder muscles Deltoid O: lateral clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: arm- abduction, flexion, extension, medial & lateral rotation Anterior Posterior (11.13ab)
Shoulder muscles Teres major O: medial inferior scapula I: intertuburcular groove humerus (ant. side) Action: medial arm rotation, adducts arm
Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatous Infraspinatus Teres minor Act to stabilize head of humerus in glenoid cavity and prevent dislocation S.I.T.S. Supraspinatous Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis
Rotator cuff muscles: stabilize shoulder Infraspinatus O: infraspinous fossa I: greater tubercle of humerus Action: lateral rotate humerus Teres minor O: inf. lat. Border scapula I: greater tubercle POSTERIOR VIEW (11.14b)
Rotator cuff muscles: stabilize shoulder Supraspinatus O: Supraspinous fossa I: greater tubercle Action: abduction humerus POSTERIOR VIEW
Rotator cuff muscles: stabilize shoulder Subscapularis O: subscapular fossa I: lesser tubercle of humerus Action: medial rotate arm ANTERIOR VIEW
Shoulder muscles Pectoralis major (11.13a) Nerve: Medial and lateral O: medial clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6 I: intertubucular groove humerus Action: arm-flexion, medial rotation, adduction (11.13a) Nerve: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C6-C8)
Superficial thorax muscles Pectoralis minor O: anterior surface of ribs 3-5 I: coracoid process of scapula Action: with ribs fixed, pulls scapula anterior & inferior; with scapula fixed, pulls ribs superiorly Nerve: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C6-C8) (11.13a)
Elbow muscles Triceps brachii (11.14b) O: long head- infraglenoid tubercle, lat. & med. heads-posterior shaft of humerus I: olecranon process of ulna Action: extend forearm, assist adduction of arm Nerve: Radial nerve (11.14b)
Elbow muscles Biceps brachii (11.14c) O: short head-coracoid process, long head-tubercle above glenoid cavity and lip of glenoid cavity (intertubercular groove) I: radial tuberosity Action: flex elbow, supinate forearm, weak arm flexor Nerve: Musculocutaneous nerve (C5 & C6) (11.14c)
Superificial thorax muscles Serratus anterior O: ribs 1-9 I: medial border of scapula Action: hold scapula against chest wall, moves inferior angle of scapula lateral & superior (abduction, pushing, punching) (11.13a,8.1a reversed)
Superficial thorax muscles
Forearm muscles Flexor carpi (radialis & ulnaris) radialis ulnaris O: medial epicondyle of humerus, ulna I: metacarpals and carpals Action: wrist flexion, abduct & adduct hand Carpal tunnel (Median nerve) syndrome p. 184 radialis ulnaris (11.15a) Anterior view
Forearm muscles Extensor carpi O: lateral epicondyle of humerus I: base of metacarpals Action: extend, abduct, and adducts wrist Palpate forearm muscles