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Spinal Muscles Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien MOB TCD Spinal Muscles Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien FRCPI, FFSEM, FFSEM (UK), FTCD Trinity College Dublin
Thoracolumbar Fascia MOB TCD Three layers of fascia enclosing the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall Laterally fascia is fused and is continuous with internal oblique and transversus abdominis
Thoracolumbar Fascia Posterior layer MOB TCD Covers the erector spinae is very strong three layers It is reinforced by the aponeurosis of latissimus dorsi Medially it is attached to lumbar and sacral spinous processes Superiorly it extends over the back muscles to be continuous with the deep fascia of the neck
Thoracolumbar Fascia Partial origin to internal oblique MOB TCD Partial origin to internal oblique Transversus abdominus Latissimus dorsi Tensile strength of 2000 psi Most important non-contractile structure
Thoraco-Lumbar Fascia MOB TCD Anterior layer Covering quadratus lumborum muscle, separating it from the psoas major Attaches in front of lumbar transverse processes and from iliac crest to12th rib
Thoraco-Lumbar Fascia MOB TCD Middle layer Between erector spinae and quadratus lumborum Attached to tips of transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae Extending in a vertical plane between the iliac crest and the 12th rib Posterior layer attached to spinous process covers sacrospinalis
Superficial Muscles Superficial layer Trapezius Latissimus dorsi MOB TCD Superficial layer Trapezius Latissimus dorsi Levator scapulae Rhomboid minor and major Connect upper limb to trunk
Trapezius MOB TCD The trapezius is a large, flat, triangular muscle, covering the posterior aspect of the neck and superior half of the trunk. It attaches the pectoral girdle to the skull and the vertebral column. It also helps in suspending the shoulder girdle and rotates the scapula. The trapezius is supplied by the spinal part of the accessory, the eleventh cranial nerve.
Trapezius Origin Medial third superior nuchal line MOB TCD Origin Medial third superior nuchal line Ligamentum nuchae and spines and inter spinous ligaments of all thoracic vertebrae Insertion Upper third to lateral third of posterior border of clavicle Middle third to medial border of acromion and the superior lip of the crest of the spine of the scapula
Trapezius MOB TCD Lower third fibres insert into the medial end of spine of scapula Nerve supply: spinal accessory nerve (C1 - 5) Proprioceptive fibres from the C3 - 4 cervical plexus. Actions: upper fibres elevate and extension of the neck Middle fibres retract scapula Upper and lower fibres rotation of scapula
Trapezius The upper fibres elevate the scapula, shrug shoulders. MOB TCD The upper fibres elevate the scapula, shrug shoulders. The intermediate fibres draw the medial border of the scapula near to the midline and press against the chest wall. The lower fibres pull the scapula downward and depress the tip of the shoulder. The three parts of the trapezius, acting together, draw the scapula medially and rotate the glenoid fossa superiorly in abduction of the shoulder.
Trapezius The trapezius muscle is involved in throwing events MOB TCD The trapezius muscle is involved in throwing events In racquet sports and in overhead movements Middle fibres help to stabilise the scapula in rowing and swimming It prevents the glenoid fossa being pulled down when lifting heavy objects with your arms It also helps when you are holding an object overhead
Latissimus Dorsi MOB TCD The latissimus dorsi is a large, wide fan-shaped muscle covering the inferior part of the back It arises from the spines of the lower six thoracic vertebrae The lumbar fascia The posterior third of the outer lip of the iliac crest The lower three ribs and the inferior angle of the scapula
Latissimus Dorsi It spirals around the teres major MOB TCD It spirals around the teres major Forms medial part of the posterior fold of the axilla It is inserted by a flat white bilaminated tendon into the floor of the bicipital groove Nerve supply: thoracodorsal nerve C6,7,8
Latissimus Dorsi Extends the shoulder MOB TCD Extends the shoulder Powerful adductor of the arm (climbing muscle) Rotates the humerus medially at the shoulder joint The latissimus dorsi is an accessory muscle of respiration if humerus is fixed It is supplied by the thoracodorsal nerve C6,7,8 It is involved in activities such as paddling a canoe, climbing and swimming
Latissimus Dorsi MOB TCD In freestyle swimming, the latissimus dorsi is a prime mover in the down stroke of the arm, mainly an extension movement and some medial rotation In canoeing, the muscle is a prime mover in the down stroke of the paddle, a movement of extension, adduction and medial rotation
Superficial Muscles Deep to trapezius Levator scapulae MOB TCD Deep to trapezius Levator scapulae Rhomboid minor and major They connect upper limb to trunk
Levator Scapulae The levator scapulae muscle lies under the trapezius MOB TCD The levator scapulae muscle lies under the trapezius It has its origin from the transverse processes of the upper four cervical vertebrae (C1 to C4) Inserted into the superior part of the medial border of the scapula
Levator Scapulae MOB TCD The action of the levator scapulae is to raise the medial margin of the scapula and in doing so rotate it so as to produce downward rotation of the glenoid cavity The nerve supply is C5 via the nerve to the rhomboids from the roots of the brachial plexus
Rhomboid Major and Minor MOB TCD The rhomboid major and minor muscles lie deep to the trapezius and are not always distinct from each other Rhomboid minor arises from C7 and T1 vertebrae The major is about twice as wide as the minor Arises from T2-5 Appearing as parallel bands, they both pass inferiolaterally from the vertebrae .
Rhomboid Major and Minor MOB TCD The rhomboid major and minor muscles work together Retract the scapula and rotate it to depress the glenoid cavity Help the serratus anterior muscle to hold the scapula against the thoracic wall Fix the scapula during movements of the upper limb The nerve supply is C5 via the nerve to the rhomboids from the roots of the brachial plexus
Intermediate Serratus posterior is an accessory muscle of respiration MOB TCD Serratus posterior is an accessory muscle of respiration
Superficial Layer: Splenius Capitis and Cervicis MOB TCD Inferior half of ligamentum nuchae and all the spinous processes of T1-T6 Insertion: lateral aspect of mastoid process Lateral third of superior nuchal line of occipital bone deep to sternocleidomastoid Splenius cervicis Posterior tubercles of transverse processes C1-C4 posterior to levator scapulae
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis MOB TCD Acting alone Lateral flexion Rotation of head and neck to same side Acting together Extension of neck and head Nerve supply: dorsal rami inferior cervical nerves.
Intrinsic Muscles of Back MOB TCD Deep layer of postural muscles attached to vertebral column and the back of head Anatomically in three layers: superficial, intermediate and deep Deep layer of muscles is responsible for movement of vertebral column Represents the intrinsic group of back muscles
Intermediate Layer: Erector Spinae MOB TCD Lies between anterior and posterior layers of thoraco-lumbar fascia Three vertical columns: medial = spinalis intermediate = longissimus lateral = iliocostalis Origin: a common broad band from posterior aspect of iliac crest Sacrum Sacroiliac ligaments Sacral and inferior lumbar spines
Erector Spinae: Iliocostalis and Longissimus MOB TCD Iliocostalis Forms lateral column of erector spinae Inserts into angles of the ribs Longissimus Forms the intermediate column of erector spinae Attached to transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae Mastoid process of temporal bone (muscle has a herring bone appearance)
Erector Spinae: Spinalis MOB TCD Narrow medial column of erector spinae (relatively insignificant) Extending to spinous processes of superior lumbar and inferior thoracic region
Deep Layer: Transversospinal MOB TCD In the groove between transverse processes and spines of vertebrae Collectively termed the transversospinal muscles Consists of several short muscles Semispinalis Acting bilaterally: extend and stabilise spine Acting unilaterally: rotate spine to opposite side and laterally flex
Semispinalis Three part muscle Thoracis Cervicis Capitis MOB TCD Three part muscle Thoracis Cervicis Capitis Acting bilaterally it will extend head, neck and thoracic spine Acting unilaterally it rotates head and neck to the opposite side
Rotatores Short muscle MOB TCD Short muscle Attached from transverse processes of one vertebra To the base of the spinous process of the vertebra superiorly Action: rotates the spine to opposite side Mainly in thoracic region
Multifidus MOB TCD
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