Unit II: Paired Latin Bases trac, tract, treat trud, trus
Bases trac, tract, treat = “pull, draw, drag” and trud, trus = “push, thrust”
Partner Interview -You have three minutes for each question -Write your answers in your Reader’s Response notebook -Write the date and then label in your notebook: Interviewer #1: Interviewer #2:
Bases trac, tract, treat and trud, trus Interviewer 1 After subtracting its cost from her limited budget, she had to retract her offer to buy the trailer. Q- How do subtracting, retract, and trailer mean “pull, draw, drag”? Q- How do subtracting, retract, and trailer mean “pull, draw, drag”?
Interviewer 2 The uninvited intruder tripped over a protruding chair that stopped her from further intrusion. Q- How do intruder, protruding, and intrusion mean “push, thrust”?
Bases trac, tract, treat and trud, trus Match the definition with the correct word. Think about what the prefix means. Write each sentence with the answer in your reader’s notebook extractdistract attractionintrude To “draw” or “pull” “out” To “draw” “in different directions” To “push” into a private space Feeling of being “drawn” “toward” someone
Past,pastor=“shepherd” greg= “flock, herd” Did you know? The ancient Romans were superb farmers. Each large farm kept a stock of horses and oxen to pull plows and wagons. Horses were also used to remove tree stumps from the ground. Farmers attached one or more horses to a rope and had them pull out the trunks. The horses were so powerful that the Romans used them to measure the strength of all animals in units they called horsepower. Over time, however, these powerful farm animals grew old and weak. Roman horses were “put out to pasture”. In gratitude for their years of hard labor, the farmers let the aged animals spend the rest of their lives grazing in pastoral bliss. Today we still use horsepower as a unit of measurement to describe the strengths of automobiles, tractors, lawn mowers, and even snow blowers!
Select the best antonym for the word on the left.