Page 1 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN WG Update Richard Woundy Jean-François Mulé IPCDN Co-Chairs
Page 2 IPCDN Working Group Meeting Agenda Agenda Bashing Review of Interim Meeting (February 13 in Colorado) DOCSIS MIB Updates 5 WG drafts under revision DOCSIS IGMP MIB is expiring Impact of transition of IP ToS to DSCP – “mask” issue PacketCable/IPCablecom MIB Updates 3 WG drafts under revision In-depth review of PacketCable MTA MIB CableHome Updates 6 drafts – currently all individual submissions, multiple authors Approve as WG work items? DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway Discussion Recommend to postpone Administration Re-Chartering WG next steps: reviews and last-calls
Page 3 IPCDN Working Group Recent WG Progress Draft review status –Subscriber Management MIB completes MIB doctor review! »Still need to close on “DSCP Mask” issue –DOCSIS IGMP MIB is stalled »Requires development of MIB compliance statement »Retract draft from the Area Director, bring back to the WG Internet-draft management issues –Two previously-expired drafts have now been refreshed »DOCSIS Event Notification MIB, DOCSIS QoS MIB –22 internet-draft submissions since November ’02 IETF »Includes multiple draft versions; 13 unique internet-drafts –SNMP boilerplates modified in late December/early January –Guidelines for MIB Authors and Reviewers »draft-ietf-ops-mib-review-guidelines-01.txt Launched IPCDN WG additional website – (comments are welcomed) Interim meeting in February in Louisville, Colorado
Page 4 IPCDN Working Group Interim Meeting Review Meeting Summary –Eighteen attendees for six hour face-to-face interactive meeting –Thanks to Bert Wijnen for voluminous MIB doctor comments Meeting Discussion Topics –BPI+ MIB reviewed in depth –DOCSIS QoS MIB reviewed in depth –Subscriber Management MIB overview »Accepted by MIB doctor, although DSCP issue raised afterwards –DOCSIS Cable Device MIB overview –DOCSIS 2.0 RFI MIB overview –DOCSIS Event Notification MIB overview –Background discussion on the DOCSIS Set-Top Gateway MIB –CableHome MIB introduction and overview Minutes available online –
Page 5 IPCDN Working Group Most Recent Internet Drafts –draft-ietf-ipcdn-bpiplus-mib-08.txt –draft-ietf-ipcdn-device-mibv2-05.txt –draft-ietf-ipcdn-docsisevent-mib-03.txt –draft-ietf-ipcdn-docs-rfmibv2-06.txt –draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-08.txt –draft-ietf-ipcdn-subscriber-mib-10.txt DOCSIS BPI+ MIB –Draft –08 reviewed in depth at the interim meeting –Draft –09 will incorporate extensive comments from interim meeting DOCSIS Cable Device MIB –Draft –04 discussed at the interim meeting –Draft –05 incorporated new CM/CMTS compliance statements, added docsDevFilterInetTable, docsDevFilterDscpTable, and docsDevInetCpeGroup, and deleted VACM extension objects DOCSIS Submissions 1
Page 6 IPCDN Working Group DOCSIS Submissions 2 DOCSIS Event Notification MIB –Draft –03 discussed at the interim meeting –Draft –04 will incorporate minor comments from interim meeting –This draft requires in-depth WG review DOCSIS 2.0 RFI MIB –Draft –05 discussed at the interim meeting –Draft –06 incorporated comments from interim meeting –Module name needs to revert to DOCS-IF-MIB –This draft requires in-depth WG review DOCSIS QoS MIB –Draft –07 reviewed in depth at the interim meeting –Draft –08 incorporated extensive comments from interim meeting –DOCSIS 1.1/2.0 QoS protocols supports IP ToS instead of DSCP
Page 7 IPCDN Working Group DOCSIS Submissions 3 DOCSIS Subscriber Management MIB –Draft –08 discussed at the interim meeting –Draft –09 changed module name to prevent namespace conflicts between the RFC version and the already-deployed CableLabs version –Draft –10 changed the 8-bit TosValue/TosMask to a 6-bit Dscp/Mask
Page 8 IPCDN Working Group RFC 2474: IP ToS field replaced by Differentiated Services (DS) field RFC 3168: Remaining bits assigned for explicit congestion notification RFC 2780/RFC 3260 clarifies semantics of DS field RFC 3289 defines the DiffServ MIB and “Dscp” textual- convention DiffServ mandates certain per-hop behaviors; but only recommends DSCPs DiffServ WG recommends strongly against “DSCP masks” Related DiffServ Efforts
Page 9 IPCDN Working Group DOCSIS / DiffServ Interactions RFC 2669 defines IP ToS + Mask for traffic classification, and defines And-Mask + Or-Mask for IP ToS overwrites DOCSIS 1.1 RFI defines IP ToS Range + Mask for traffic classification, and defines And-Mask + Or-Mask for IP ToS overwrites Cable Device MIB and Subscriber Management MIB internet-draft both used IP ToS instead of Dscp objects until recent versions –Cable Device MIB defines Dscp object –Subscriber Management MIB defines Dscp + Mask objects Center of controversy is over “DSCP Mask” objects DOCSIS QoS MIB seems to require IP ToS objects for DOCSIS 1.1 support Recent efforts begun to incorporate DiffServ into DOCSIS standards
Page 10 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom Update 1 New Internet-Drafts –draft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-eventmess-01.txt –Need more frequent draft updates, and deeper draft reviews MTA MIB review summary –Fix issues discovered by (better) SMICng compilation –Conform to new MIB boilerplates, internet-draft requirements » –Fix erroneous comments in MIB, due to text wrap-around –Clean up glossary and references (normative versus informative) –Align with RFC 3495 (CCC DHCP option and DHCP option 6) –Correct errors in MODULE-IDENTITY (contact info, copyright) –Resolve naming of X.509 certificate TEXTUAL-CONVENTION »Use new name DocsX509ASN1DEREncodedCertificate –Resolve issues with RealmTable, CmsTable »Use integer index objects instead of Realm names and FQDNs »Add more DESCRIPTION text for RowStatus objects »Add StorageType objects? –Resolve use of TFTP URL for firmware download –Resolve numerous comments on object SYNTAX
Page 11 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom Update 2 MTA Signaling MIB review summary - pktcSigMib –Fix minor issues discovered by SMICng compilation »Revision and last-update dates for MODULE-IDENTITY pktcSigMib »Object names longer than 32 chars –General Comments »Conform to new MIB boilerplates, internet-draft requirements »Fix MIB root, copyright statements »Clean up glossary and references (normative versus informative) –Align Codec encoding names with current IETF AVT RTP AVP profile –PktcSigType TEXTUAL-CONVENTION: remove references to DCS? –TOS vs. DSCP: For pktcSigDefCallSigTos and pktcSigDefMediaStreamTos, replace TOS with DSCP and use Dscp Textual-Convention –pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId should indicate when the call agent DNS name should be resolved –pktcNcsEndPntStatusError description should be enhanced –Compliance statement and pktcInternationalGroup for IPCableCom?
Page 12 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom Update 3 Syslog mib’s SyslogSeverity: emergency (0), -- system is unusable alert (1), -- action must be taken immediately critical (2), -- critical conditions error (3), -- error conditions warning (4), -- warning conditions notice (5), -- normal but significant condition info (6), -- informational debug (7), -- debug-level messages other (99) -- None of the above pktcDevEvProgrammableLevel critical(1) service-affecting, requires immediate corrective action major(2) service-affecting, requires urgent corrective action minor(3) non-service-affecting warning(4) information(5) Management Event MIB review summary – MIB updated in January 2003, fixed boilerplate & 3 SMICng warnings – General Comments ( Fix MIB root & copyright statements) – InetAddress descriptions must link to InetAddressType objects – Any opinions w.r.t. syslog MIB? »Management Event MIB allows for multiple transport protocols (local, syslog, traps, inform, …), syslog transport, logging severity?
Page 13 IPCDN Working Group CableHome Updates 1 Individual submissions from CableLabs, YAS, and CableHome vendors Address Mapping MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-addressing-mib-02.txt Configuration MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-config-mib-02.txt Gateway Device MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-device-mib-02.txt CableHome QoS MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-qos-mib-01.txt –New since November ‘02 IETF Security MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-security-mib-02.txt Remote Diagnostic Tools MIB –draft-jones-cable-gateway-tools-mib-02.txt
Page 14 IPCDN Working Group CableHome Updates 2 Draft authorship and participation –Original submissions all authored by Doug Jones/YAS –New co-authors include representatives from CableLabs, Ashley Laurent, Linksys, Motorola, and TI –Two sets of draft submissions since November ‘02 IETF Some object overlap to be resolved –draft-ietf-dhc-server-mib-08.txt –draft-ietf-nat-natmib-05.txt; draft is expired??? Assumption is that we add them to the charter –Any objections?
Page 15 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN WG Next Steps 1 Resolve “DSCP mask” issue –Impacts Subscriber Management and Cable Device MIBs Publish Subscriber Management MIB draft for IETF last-call Prepare DOCSIS MIB drafts for working group last-call –DOCSIS 2.0 RFI MIB, Cable Device MIB, DOCSIS QoS MIB, Event Notification MIB, and BPI+ MIB Resolve ownership of DOCSIS IGMP MIB compliance statements, and issue another draft version –Retract draft from the Area Director, bring back to the WG Review PacketCable/IPCablecom MIBs in depth Review CableHome MIBs for technical correctness Obtain author feedback on reasonable draft milestones Align milestones with relevant CableLabs certification waves Obtain IESG agreement on new charter
Page 16 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN WG Next Steps 2 Next steps for WG authors –Help the chairs define reasonable milestones for charter –Make frequent draft updates – and don’t let drafts expire –Conform to internet-draft requirements (e.g. SNMP boilerplates, normative vs. information references, MIB guidelines) –Prepare drafts for working group last-call, etc. –Respond in a timely manner to MIB doctor comments, and help us resolve them –Let the chairs know when you need help Next steps for WG participants –Review DOCSIS MIBs in depth for WG last-call –Review PacketCable/IPCableCom MIBs in depth for WG last- call –Read and review CableHome MIBs for technical correctness –Provide technical comments on the ipcdn mailing list, not just privately to draft authors –Provide comments on the IPCDN recharter