Chapter 4 The Pieces of the Body Puzzle: A Regional Approach Kinesiology Books Publisher 1
Table of Contents Kinesiology Books Publisher 2 Axial Skeleton Head and neck Region Back Region Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral Girdle Scapulohumeral Region Upper Limb Pelvic Girdle Lower Limb Kinesiology Books Publisher 2
Head and Neck Region Back Region Axial Skeleton Head and Neck Region Back Region Kinesiology Books Publisher 3
Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral Girdle Scapulohumeral Region Upper Limb Pelvic Girdle Lower Limb Kinesiology Books Publisher 4
LESSON 1: The Language of Anatomy LESSON 2 Pectoral Girdle and scapulohumeral Region Develop an understanding of the bones, muscles, and joints that make up the pectoral girdle of the appendicular skeleton, and apply knowledge of the pectoral girdle to injuries of the shoulder and rotator cuff. LESSON 1: The Language of Anatomy Kinesiology Books Publisher 5
Pectoral Girdle Bones Muscles Joints Kinesiology Books Publisher 6
Suspends the upper limb away from the chest wall Pectoral Girdle Suspends the upper limb away from the chest wall Enables a great range of movement Kinesiology Books Publisher 7
Bones Clavicle (collarbone) Articulates with sternum and scapula Only bone directly connecting upper and axial skeleton Scapula Has many muscle attachments to axial skeleton Clavicle Scapula Kinesiology Books Publisher 8
Muscles Anterior Group Posterior Group Kinesiology Books Publisher 9
Muscles: Anterior 1 2 Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior 1 2 Two heads: Clavicular head flexes and medially rotates shoulder joint Sternal head extends from flexed position and medially rotates shoulder joint Attachments Ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of the scapula Depresses and stabilizes scapula Steadies and holds scapula forward against chest wall (protracts it) Actions: Rope climbing Butterfly stroke Kinesiology Books Publisher 10
Muscles: Posterior Trapezius Upper fibres From skull to scapula Elevate scapula Shrugging your shoulders Middle (transverse) fibres From ligamentum nuchae of cervical vertebrae to scapula Retract the scapula Lower fibres From C7 – T12 to scapula Depress the scapula Kinesiology Books Publisher 11
Muscles: Posterior Latissmus dorsi From lower thoracic vertebrae, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia to intertubercular groove of the humerus Medially rotates, adducts, and extends humerus Teres major Medially rotates and adducts humerus Levator scapulae Rotates and elevates scapula Rhomboid muscles Helps with scapula retraction and holding against thoracic wall Kinesiology Books Publisher 12
Joints Sternoclavicular Only joint connecting pectoral girdle (clavicle ) and axial skeleton (sternum) Synovial joint strengthened by intracapsular disc and extrinsic ligaments Absorbs forces along clavicle Acromioclavicular Joint Connects clavicle’s lateral end and scapula’s acromion process Permits shoulder separations (e.g., in hockey, baseball, and football ) Kinesiology Books Publisher 13
Superior and Posterior Muscles Scapulohumeral Region Anterior Muscles Superior and Posterior Muscles Lateral Muscles Kinesiology Books Publisher 14
Muscles: Anterior Subscapularis From anterior (costal) surface of scapula To lesser tubercle of humerus Adducts and medially rotates upper limb Kinesiology Books Publisher 15
Muscles: Superior and posterior Supraspinatus From supraspinous fossa of posterior scapula above scapular spine to humerus point Initiates upper limb abduction joint Infraspinatus and teres minor From posterior scapula surface below scapular spine to greater tubercle of humerus Adduct and laterally rotate upper limb Kinesiology Books Publisher 16
Muscles: Rotator Cuffs Kinesiology Books Publisher 17
Shoulder joint is the most mobile and unstable joint Rotator Cuffs Tear Shoulder joint is the most mobile and unstable joint Allows dynamic and powerful movements Requires to keep head of humerus centralized in its socket Common injury = rotator cuffs tear Kinesiology Books Publisher 18
Muscles: Lateral Deltoids Insert to deltoid tuberosity of humerus Act on shoulder, move upper limb Anterior fibres From clavicle Flex and medially rotate Middle fibres From acromion of scapula Abduct Posterior fibres From spine of scapula Extend and laterally rotate Kinesiology Books Publisher 19
Lesson 2 Wrap Up Pectoral Girdle Student Workbook activities 4.2.1 – Review Your Key Terms (p. 34) 4.2.2 (A-D) – Pectoral Girdle (pp. 35-36) 4.2.3 (A-B) – Muscles of the Scapulohumeral Region (pp. 37-38 Kinesiology Books Publisher 20