Routinely Inspect Couplers For: Cracks Excessive Corrosion Broken Parts Bent or Distorted Parts Which Hinder Operation Proper Coupling and Uncoupling Operation less than 2 mph
Gages can be obtained from * Matrix Metals (281) Winchester Industries (860) * These are provided for your information only, MSHA does not endorse their products.
The following five (5) examples show when the couplers need to be removed from service, repaired according to manufacturer specifications, or replaced. To check the lock operation, depress the spring-activated lock until the lock retracts fully into the coupler body and lines up with the coupler contour surface. If the lock does not fully retract in the coupler body or return to its normal position the lock and spring may need replaced. Check lock levers for binding. Any binding that occurs can prevent the lever from returning to the nominal position and the coupler needs to be removed from service.
Pulling Lug Wear Test Must not seat Must not seat on any surface of pulling lug. If gage seats, casting is to or beyond 1/4” wear limit.
Lock Thickness Wear Test Must not seat Must not seat. If gage seats, casting is to or beyond 1/8” wear limit.
Guard Arm Wear Test Must not seat 1/8” maximum allowable wear limit.
Guard Arm Distortion and Lock Wear Test Must not pass through. If gage does pass, apply new lock and check again. If gage still passes through, body is rejected.
Guard Arm Distortion Test Must not pass through contour. If gage does pass through body is rejected.