Lesson 24 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence Detract Verb To reduce the value, importance, or quality of something; to take away something desirable The bad lightning detracted from the beauty of the art.
Lesson 24 #2 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence DistractionNounSomething that draws attention away. Having the television on can be a distraction while studying.
Lesson 24 #3 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence DistraughtAdjectiveExtremely worried and upset; emotionally agitated The father became distraught when he realized his child was missing.
Lesson 24 #4 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence EntreatyNounA heartfelt plea or request. Tribal leaders made an entreaty to the president to restore order in their troubled land.
Lesson 24 #5 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ExtractA)Verb B)Noun A)To pull or draw out B)A substance drawn out of something A)Special machines extract juice from oranges. B)An extract of the vanilla plant is used to flavor cakes and cookies.
Lesson 24 #6 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence IntractableAdjectiveA)Difficult to manage or control; stubborn B)Difficult to remedy, cure, or make better A)The inexperienced rider couldn’t handle the intractable horse. B)Air pollution has become an intractable problem in many cities.
Lesson 24 #7 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ProtractedAdjectiveDawn out in time; made longer The protracted strike strained the resources of the union workers.
Lesson 24 #8 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence RetractVerbA)To pull back B)To withdraw a statement or promise A)The turtle retracted its head into its shell. B)During his trial, the accused burglar tried to retract his earlier confession.
Lesson 24 #9 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence TractNounA)An area of land B)A pamphlet or leaflet, usually one with a political or religious theme A)The family lived and worked on a small tract of farmland. B)The senator wrote a tract on the benefits of free trade.
Lesson 24 #10 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence TractionNounA)Grip or hold; friction between something and the surface on which it moves. B)To act of drawing or pulling a load A)The tires had no traction on the ice; so they spun and spun while the car stayed still. B)In most industrialized nations, plow traction is now performed by machine, rather than by mule or by ox.