Yingcai Xiao
Learning Outcomes What did you learn?
Learning Outcomes What should we learn?
Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectiveslearning objectives proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin BloomBenjamin Bloom who also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals
Bloom's Taxonomy Three domains Cognitive Affective Psychomotor Or knowing/head feeling/heart doing/hands respectively).
Cognitive Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive Skills Knowledge What is Computer Science? What is a Computer?
Cognitive Skills Comprehension: Interpretation & Extrapolation Is a smart phone a computer?
Cognitive Skills Application Solving new problems with acquired knowledge. Search: sequential, binary and quick Find an over-weight golf ball from a group of 8.
Cognitive Skills Analysis Examine information to find causes. What bug? Debugging
Cognitive Skills Synthesis Compile information in a different way by forming a new pattern. Converting code from sequential to parallel Finding the bad golf ball faster?
Cognitive Skills Evaluation Making judgments based on a set of criteria. SLO assessment rubrics
Affective Ability to feel Receiving Responding Valuing Organizing Characterizing
Affective Receiving Being taught.
Affective Responding Active learning A conscious learner Engaging Visual Sketchpad Gaming
Affective Valuing Attach value to, say, Computer Science
Affective Organizing Put together in order Draw a table for searching techniques. MethodSequentialBinaryQuickParallel Key1-by-1Divide & ConquerUn-even D&CAll at once TimeO(n)O(ln(n))< O(ln(n))O(1)
Affective Characterizing Become a characteristic. He is a conscious learner.
Psychomotor Ability to manipulate development in skill Perception Set Guided response Mechanism Complex overt response Adaptation Origination
Psychomotor Perception use sensory to guide 3D display on a 2D surface VR 3D Printing
Psychomotor Set ready to act used in gaming
Psychomotor Guided response Imitation, trial and error User Interface Design GUI: WYSIWYG Hints Record and Retract
Psychomotor Mechanism become habitual Typewriter Keyboard: QWERTY Why?
Psychomotor Complex overt response skillful complex movement Surgery Virtual Surgery Robotic-assisted Surgery
Psychomotor Adaptation modify movement pattern to fit Chess game training software
Psychomotor Origination Creating new Invention (engineering) Discovery (science) Computer Science : Computer Engineering
That’s all, folks. Be a life long learner Or be a DBA Enjoy learning like video games Be a conscious learner (think) Try to be a teacher Computer Scientist / Programmer
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology programs-abet-accredits/
Outcomes Assessments Measurements Improvements
References Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology accredits/ dds/outcomes.dot