Torus Fracture Impaction injury of childhood. Primarily affects developing metaphyseal bone. Compression fracture due to porous nature of the bone.
Distal Radius Fracture Obtain true AP and Lateral X-rays. Frequent F/U. Not true Buckle fracture therefore can displace.
Flexor Profundus Avulsion Usually pure avulsion from distal phalanx. High index of suspicion, frequently missed. Ring finger most common.
Finger Injuries Profundus avulsion Salter II fracture Subungual hematoma (mallet fx)
Flexor Profundus Avulsion Inability to flex the DIP joint. Tenderness at PIP joint. Tendon can retract into the palm. Need good quality lateral & oblique X-ray. Seen in athletics. Football player reaching and grabbing a jersey to make the tackle. Early repair required to achieve a good result.
Salter II Fracture Proximal Phalanx Most common physeal fx. Small finger most common. Reduce if needed and splinted 3-4 weeks ulnar gutter. AVN Salter II
Think fracture and nail bed laceration Subungual Hematoma Think fracture and nail bed laceration
Mallet Finger Injury
Prevention One person at a time
Prevention Proper fitting safety equipment for the specific sport.
The End