Adjustable Bookshelf(ABS) 10/04/2012 Design Review
Team Members Adhiraj Sharma – Project Leader, Mech. Engr.(Sophomore) Jianran Wang – Webmaster, Mech. Engr.( Sophomore) Ian Crombie – CFO, (Freshman) Seth Lerner – (Freshman) Karan Sharma- (Freshman)
ORIGIN OF THE PROJECT Origins of project – Started in spring 2006 – Student was restricted to a wheelchair. He was thus forced to throw books onto the stationary shelf and also had difficulty in accessing them from the shelf.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The ABS project is being designed to accommodate and fulfill a number of specific criteria. Major requirements of the project include the following: Functional Performance Reliability Production Cost Coherence to Standards Ease of Use Service and Maintenance
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Final design must meet the ADA standards:
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Final design must meet the ADA standards:
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Final design must meet the ADA standards:
PROJECT HISTORY Prior to Fall 2012 – Working prototype Actuators were located at the base(front) of the shelf, reducing desk space Lack of safety equipment Shelf was unstable when moving up and down – Current prototype will be modified to meet the required standards for the final prototype
Previous Prototype (Spring 2012) Shelf was attached to two movable actuators moving up/in and down/out in a parabolic path
DETAILS OF THE ACTUATORS The actuators used in are Firgelli Automations FA-400-L with the following specifications -12VDC Operation - 400lbs load capacity - ~0.5in/s movement speed (~24sec to fully retract or extend) - Retracted length: 18.88” - Extended length: 30.88” - 10A current draw at max load
Previous Prototype (Spring 2012)
WORK DONE THIS SEMESTER -Actuators Repositioned from their initial position in the front base of the shelf to the back base of the shelf to allow for more usable desk space and to ensure safety of the user
UNEXPECTED PROBLEMS FACED ON RELOCATION OF ACTUATORS On repositioning the actuators to the back base of the shelf, the entire structure does not seem to come down far enough and thus it might pose some discomfort for short people on wheelchairs
Installed snap action safety switches to the bottom base of the shelf which stops the entire unit when a slight force is applied to it. This ensures safety of the user and his belongings. - Safety
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