Muscular System Function Locomotion Posture Protection Heat production
Muscle Classification Skeletal Muscle Attached to skeleton Striated Muscle fiber = Muscle cell Multinucleate Myofibrils are striated cylinders within myofiber
Skeletal Muscle Myofilaments are proteins within the myofibrils that result in contraction Actin – thin & has a receptor site for myosin Myosin – thick & has a receptor site for actin and ATP Contraction – Myosin heads attach to actin and with ATP perform a Power Stroke
Skeletal Muscle Sarcomere The distance from Z line to Z line The basic unit of contraction Sarcomere gets smaller as Power Stroke occurs
Key Points Why is the sarcomere the functional unit of contraction? Why does the power stroke result in contraction? What would happen to contraction if you ran out of ATP?
Motor Neurons Skeletal muscle cannot contract without stimulation from a motor neuron Motor Unit = The motor neuron plus the myofiber(s) it innervates
Key Points Why would a spinal cord injury result in paralysis?
Somatic Muscles All of the body’s skeletal muscles except the branchiomeric muscles Voluntary Body wall & Appendage muscles Trunk and Tail Hypobranchial Tongue Extrinsic Eyeball
Somatic Muscles Myotome derivatives primarily Some from hypomere
Key Points What is a myotome?
Somatic Muscles Orient the body in the environment
Somatic Muscles Red Fibers More blood supply for aerobic metabolism Myoglobin for oxygen storage Fatigue resistant Fish for cruising long distances, tetrapods for posture
Somatic Muscles White fibers Less blood supply; geared for anaerobic metabolism Fatiguable Fish for spurts of swimming Tetrapods for sprints
Key Points Why is the breast meat of the goose dark, but the breast meat of the chicken is white?
Cardiac Muscle Striated with intercalated disks Involuntary Lateral plate mesoderm (hypomere) in origin
Smooth Muscle Involuntary Lateral plate mesoderm in origin Regulates internal environment Innervated by Autonomic Nervous System Found in the wall of tubes and hollow organs Intrinsic Eye muscles Erectors of feathers and hairs
Key Points Besides those mentioned, give a specific example of where might you find smooth muscle?
Gross features of skeletal muscle Origin, insertion Tendon Aponeurosis Fascia
Muscle shapes
Skeletal Muscle Actions Flex/Extend Adduct/Abduct Levator/Depressor Protract/Retract Constrictor/Dilator Rotator
Skeletal Muscle Actions Supinator/Pronator Tensor (taut)
Skeletal Muscle Actions Agonist – primary mover Antagonist – opposes primary mover Synergist – helps primary mover
Development & Phylogeny Position Embryology Nerve supply
Development Dorsal Mesoderm – Epimere – Somite Myotome Sclerotome & Dermatome Lateral plate Mesoderm – Hypomere Somatic – body wall muscles Splanchnic – smooth muscle of viscera
AXIAL MUSCLES Trunk Tail Hypobranchial Tongue Extrinsic Eye
Axial Muscles Metamerism as in myomeres
Axial Muscles Agnathans Simple Segments (myomeres) Myotome derivatives
Axial Muscles – Jawed Fish Horizontal or Lateral Septum Epaxial Muscles From myotomes in embryology Innervated from dorsal rami of spinal nerves Extend spine & some lateral bending Extrinsic eye muscles (innervated by cranial nerves) Epibranchial muscles
Axial Muscles – Jawed Fish Hypaxial Muscles From Myotomes Innervated by ventral rami of spinal nerves Ventroflex and lateral bending
Hypaxial Muscles – Jawed fish Hypobranchial muscles Located on floor of pharynx, pectoral girdle to jaw Are hypaxial muscles that migrated forward Function in respiration & feeding E.g. Coracomandibularis, Coracohyoid
Axial Muscles - Tetrapods Epaxial trunk muscles Dorsal muscles from skull to tail Dorsalis trunci in amphibians Longissimus – long dominant spine extensor in amniotes Iliocostalis – most lateral epaxial spine muscle important in reptiles
Epaxial Muscles See Vertebrate Muscles page
Epaxial Muscles in Tetrapods Trends Decreased except in neck Fewer myosepta
Axial Muscles - Tetrapods Hypaxial Muscles Tend to form sling-like sheets Lateral muscles support & compress body wall Obliques Transversus Intercostals in amniotes only
Hypaxial Muscles - Tetrapods Rectus abdominis – ventroflexes and compresses abdomen Diaphragm – unique to mammals for breathing
Hypaxial Muscles in tetrapods See Vertebrate Muscles page
Hypobranchial and Tongue Muscles - tetrapods Function – stabilizes hyoid and larynx E.g. geniohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
Hypobranchial & Tongue muscles in tetrapods Lingu-; Gloss- Anchors to hyoid E.g. lingualis, styloglossus
Hypobranchial & Tongue muscles in Tetrapods See Vertebrate Muscles page
Extrinsic Eye muscles in tetrapods Voluntary Obliques – rotates eye along its transverse axis Rectus – up, down, left, right Retractor in some
Extrinsic Eye muscles See Vertebrate Muscles Page