The Education Professional Standards Board Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators October 27, 2013
EPSB Mission Statement The Education Professional Standards Board, in full collaboration and cooperation with its education partners, promotes high levels of student achievement by establishing and enforcing rigorous professional standards for preparation, certification, and responsible and ethical behavior of all professional educators in Kentucky. 2
EPSB Goals Goal 1: Every approved educator preparation program meets or exceeds all accreditation standards and prepares knowledgeable, capable teachers and administrators who demonstrate effectiveness in helping all students reach educational achievement. Goal 2: Every professional position in a Kentucky public school is staffed by a properly credentialed educator. Goal 3: Every credentialed educator exemplifies behaviors that maintain the dignity and integrity of the profession by adhering to established law and EPSB Code of Ethics. Goal 4: Every credentialed educator participates in a high quality induction into the profession and approved educational advancement programs that support effectiveness in helping all students achieve. Goal 5: The EPSB shall be managed for both effectiveness and efficiency, fully complying with all statutes, regulations and established federal, state, and agency policies. 10
Updates from the EPSB Regulatory Updates 16 KAR 5:020 ETS is discontinuing the current PPST New test reflects Common Core (as promised) New test will begin September 2014 Scores on the current version will be good for five years and will be accepted during that time
Updates from the EPSB 16 KAR 5:040 Training Cooperating Teachers & University Supervisors Co-teaching Edmodo--Yes, there’s a quiz! Assessment Section 6. (4) Beginning September 1, 2013, each educator preparation institution shall provide a full professional semester to include a period of student teaching for a minimum of seventy (70) full days, or its equivalent, in instructional settings that correspond to the grade levels and content areas of the student teacher’s certification program. How do we make our prep TRULY clinical, not just the same thing with more field experience tacked on?
Updates from the EPSB Changes to 16 KAR 9:080 Major change: Required observation 5 hours observation by university 5 hours observation by district 5 hours flexible based on the needs of the candidate PLEASE be specific and explicit with your language about various routes to certification There are a lot of rules about the various routes, so please be intentional with the precise terminology Moving from one route to another requires admission to the new program, so be sure the admission standards are met.
Update from the Feds Group Urges Feds to Yank Aid From Poor-Performing Teacher-Prep Programs September 24, 2013 by Stephen Sawchuk
Updates from the EPSB Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation: CAEP (NCATE + TEAC = CAEP) New standards 5 standards Guidance documents are expected in January We will be involved throughout the process. CAEP Alliance for Clinical Educator Preparation Kentucky is kind of a big deal. December Alliance meeting in Louisville will feature Kentucky’s work for a national audience. Clinical Alliance--We'll address CAEP in general in the discussion of the CAEP standards--but What do we mean by clinical preparation? How are we really moving to a clinical basis and not just programs with a lot of field experience and a little more student teaching? Start looking at 5:040's requirements :