Eng. Alberto Bisbal Sanz National Director of Prevention National Insititute of Civil Defense of Peru Lessons Learned from South Earthquake in Peru August 15, 2007 August 15, 2007 Emergency Management CEO Seminar August , 2008 August , 2008
INTRODUCTION Having made a comprehensive analysis of all elements, facts and circumstances that have taken part in the process of managing the emergence of august 15, 2007, is narrated below, in an abstract theme which reflects objectively the value judgements and assessments that have experienced the National System of Civil Defense - SINADECI, compared with the disaster.
In the framework outlined are designed 5 core aspects, which in the opinion of INDECI - as the lead agency system - consolidate all the multiplicity of actions, facts and circumstances that have developed various processes that demanded the attention of the emergency, taken from one's own self-critical expressions, experiences and reflections of the actors in the emergency, collected and consolidated on the occasion of "International Event Lessons Learned from South Earthquake", developed at the Museo de la Nacion on November 14-15, 2007, organized by INDECI. INTRODUCTION
COMPILATION OF THE CORE ASPECTS OF LESSONS LEARNED (PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION ACTIVITIES) Operativity of SINADECI - level initial coordination. Communications of Emergencies. System Resources. Aspects of training and public awareness. Planning aspects
OPERATIVITY OF SINADECI - LEVEL INITIAL COORDINATION. Lessons: The development of a management mechanism properly articulated, for coordination and information flow between authorities and institutions of all levels of government, including the private sector, constitutes a priority need, in order to respond better provision, emergencies and disasters in the country.
Lessons: It is an urgent matter to entrust the institutes of the Consultative Council of Scientific Technological of INDECI, the formulation of coordination protocols, which allow a supply of information networking, ongoing and timely basis, to facilitate decision- making on scientific bases in emergencies and / or disasters. The socialization and dissemination of strategies and contingency plans at the actors operating system, both public institutions, foreign teams, and organizations involved in caring for the affected population, is a priority need to be resolved. OPERATIVITY OF SINADECI - LEVEL INITIAL COORDINATION.
COMMUNICATIONS OF EMERGENCIES. Lessons: Communication is an essential element in any process of emergency management, so that establishing an emergency communication system at the national level, which is permanently active, providing information management and decision-making emergency and / or disaster, is a topic of primary interest. In the same order, promote the participation of radio amateurs in support of emergency operations, especially in disaster constitutes a necessary complement to the emergency communication system proposed.
Lessons: The development of protocols to interact with members of SINADECI in operational activities and response, based on a sectoral communication network for reporting damage assessment and needs analysis (EDAN) and the distribution of aid Humanitarian to the affected population, is an aspect that must be dealt with immediately and concerted way. COMMUNICATIONS OF EMERGENCIES.
Lessons: Having mechanisms auto companies call for telecom operators to facilitate the actions of the first response teams in case of emergency and / or disaster, is a necessity, to deal with better provision, emergencies and disasters. These aspects must be considered and implemented as public policy concessions in the state, respect for service operators. The testing of cross-communications is a necessity to ensure the quality of communications and improve preparedness for users, in order to better cope with emergencies and disaster readiness. COMMUNICATIONS OF EMERGENCIES.
SYSTEM RESOURCES Lessons: It is vitally important to understand that financial resources earmarked for prevention constitute an investment rather than an expense, it is therefore imperative to ensure that regional and local governments consider in their institutional and participatory budgets, resources for prevention and care disaster. It is strategically important to have a Seismic Network Satellite and Tsunami Alert Network that allows data transmission in real time to the institutions responsible for prevention, to take preventive actions respective, this is a clear need for cope with better provision, emergencies and disasters.
Lessons: Having funding for the empowerment of a system of automatic gauges to sub regional level, in order to facilitate monitoring and tracking of a possible wave along the coasts of the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile, is a necessity, to deal with better provision, emergencies and disasters. Hygiene is a key component to prevent diseases and epidemics after an earthquake, therefore, have appropriate health systems to treat sewage in the shelters also have stocks of supplies water disinfection and control vectors and rodents, is an urgent need in these processes. SYSTEM RESOURCES
Lessons: There is a need for pumping equipment on trucks to supply water to elevated tanks or provide storage tanks that are located at ground level. It demonstrates the importance of nationally with Network Systems Water Drainage and earthquake resistant, to prevent such occurrence before the collapse of a seismic movement because our country because of its geographical location is constantly exposed to this type of events. SYSTEM RESOURCES
Lessons: It is necessary to consider in installing shelters and organization of the following aspects to better care for the affected population: Provision of family-size tents. Respecting the protocol installation of shelters to avoid fires, disease outbreaks and others. Monitoring multisectoral (Sanitation Security). Temporary facilities housing more resistance if the reconstruction process requires longer terms to one year. SYSTEM RESOURCES
Lessons: It showed the need for the Armed Forces have basic equipment to help the population in emergency situations. Having overcome the emergency, there was need for standardized basic modules of classrooms to join with others to provide classrooms for greater capacity when necessary to maintain the continuity of school classes. SYSTEM RESOURCES
ASPECTS OF TRAINING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS. Lessons: It was found the need to increase and strengthen the mechanisms for training to the authorities and population in the doctrine of Civil Defense to improve their preparedness to act in disaster prevention and care, helping to improve the perception of the population regarding the role and powers of INDECI and members of SINADECI. It showed the need to train medical personnel and care in health care in disasters and prepare staff and technical assistance, for the proper handling of dead bodies in disaster situations. It is necessary to develop information campaigns for the general public about the handling of excreta and solid waste in order to disseminate it, the danger his handling inappropriate.
Lessons: The training of personnel who will participate in the actions of care in the emergency shelters and health, the armed field hospitals and tents as well as in managing the medical instruments used (syringes, needles, etc.), which can risking the health of the population, is an urgent need that must be addressed. It has become evident the need for ongoing training programmes at the national level, in search and rescue techniques for collapsed structures of light and medium level in order to improve preparedness for rescue units Corps General Firefighters. It has shown the strategic nature of establishing permanent training programmes at the national level, to manage telecommunications equipment to improve the preparation of the communications operators of the Committees of Civil Defense. ASPECTS OF TRAINING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS.
PLANNING ASPECTS Lessons: A key challenge for improving the management processes of emergencies and disasters in general lies in making the concept of prevention is incorporated into strategic planning at all levels of the country, as a mandatory component, should institute mechanisms for verification thereof. In that order, it is vital that regional and local governments have their plans for Disaster Prevention and Response approved; requiring that the respective Civil Defence Committees are formed and operate. It showed the need to strengthen capacities for planning, monitoring and supervision of the tasks of cleaning and removal of rubble, incorporating planning technical advice, equipment and machinery employment in other sectors if necessary, to achieve greater efficiency in these tasks.
Lessons: It is necessary to strengthen the organizational units of regional and local governments responsible for land management, packaging and territorial supervision of urban development and buildings to reduce vulnerability, promoting the use of hazard maps and studies of soils in urban planning. Have an internal organization within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in emergencies, coordinate with foreign governments to send humanitarian aid in order to facilitate their remove from customs, is a necessity that must be addressed to more short term. The monitoring of compliance of earthquake resistant construction in all types of buildings, in order to lessen the vulnerability in the event of medium or large earthquakes of magnitude, is an urgent need for implementation, greater willingness to deal with emergencies and disasters. PLANNING ASPECTS
Lessons: The updating of contingency plans for big earthquakes, incorporating planning installation of shelters, the model of organizing soup kitchens and common pots, as an effective way of addressing food mass is a necessity that must be implemented. It is essential to develop a Plan of Care Mental Health and Environmental disaster, both for victims and for those involved in addressing the emergency. PLANNING ASPECTS