Johannesen, Valde, & Whedbee
Feminist scholars argue the case against sexual language, and some argue for the necessity to slant the truth in order to survive in a male-dominated world…
How might the norms of a care ethic actually function… Natural caring motivates ethical caring… Engrossment… Motivational Displacement… Reciprocity…
Nodding rejects “principals and rules as the major guide to ethical behavior.”… Noddings contends that while caring stems most naturally from the experiences… Although Noddings rejects the primacy of rules…
Compromise and accomodation are valued…
In a very general sense, Tronto views caring as all activities we do… …caring about… …caregiving… Attentiveness… Resposibility… Competence… Responsiveness… Women are “muted” because the words for speaking are not generated… Gillian Michell defines this phrase as…
Michell contends that the contraints of the sexist society…. Michell sees telling it slant as ethically excusable and justifiable… Contraints on women’s rights and options… Michell speculates that women also may sometimes…
…“conquest/conversion mentality”… …“subtle form of Might Makes Right”… This view of communication involves “deliberate…” Instead, the “womanization of rhetoric”… 4) tend more toward the conquest/conversion…
As one alternative, Foss and Griffin develop an… Rhetors in invitational rhetoric “communicate a willingness to call into question the beliefs they consider most inviolate…”
Also it focuses on degrees of rightness and wrongness of human actions…
Four guidelines as aids to making journalistic decisions… Listen to one’s emotions… Quit rationalizing… Use one’s moral imagination…
We must remember that just because emotion by definition is nonrational…
…another, to hinder another in the exercise… … “women are no longer present as human subjects…” In these situations silence on the part of women is open to generally… Women are silenced when certain topics, communication roles…
Feminist ethics has become one of the most important influences in ethics today… (read whole section)