I NCORPORATING STEM AND A CADEMICS IN A GRICULTURAL E DUCATION How a Change of Curriculum Makes a Difference/Using CASE at the Introductory Course Level
W HY BE CONCERNED ABOUT STEM? Not the latest educational fad Demand for STEM-based education is coming from industry to colleges to secondary education Adoption of Common Core standards means meeting standards across the traditional disciplines New teacher evaluations mean ALL teachers are responsible for students’ test scores STEM can be easily incorporated into CTE – especially Ag Ed Ag Ed must continue to be part of the solution in education, not perceived as a problem!
CASE IS A TOOL FOR INCORPORATING STEM Concept-based, not content-based Infusion of STEM throughout curricula Formulated along Learning Focused methods Students find the depth of material in the lessons – the instructor is a coach Use of collaborative groups – modeling industry Organization of a notebook – later courses create a lab notebook – again modeling industry Classroom now matches FFA Chapter – students lead themselves
W HY IS THE NOTEBOOK A BIG DEAL ? An industry standard A STEM necessity Professional training Builds as students move to higher courses Lab reports build as students move to higher courses – eventually separate notebook
A CTIVITY – L IFE, D EATH, AND P H Lesson 3.2 – Principles of pH Preface The pH of substances is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. pH is important to the health and well-being of living organisms and is involved in many chemical processes. Nutrient uptake and absorption in plants and animals are influenced by the acidity or alkalinity of soil, water, and feed. pH indicators for acids and bases are also used to collect qualitative data in many experiments, thus an understanding of pH is important for students in Agriscience. This lesson will introduce students to the basics of pH through the testing of common substances. Students will also conduct a structured inquiry experiment and write a lab report. Concepts 1. The level of pH is used to determine the acidity and alkalinity of a substance. 2. The pH scale is 0-14 where 0 is extremely acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is extremely basic. 3. The level of pH affects the health and well-being of organisms. Performance Objectives It is expected that students will · Determine if a substance is an acid or a base using LabQuest ® and a pH sensor. · Test the buffering ability of water and one additional substance. · Conduct an inquiry lab on the effect of pH on plant health. · Write a lab report based on findings of the inquiry lab