Click here to see the presentation Opinion Survey
Background Advantages Stages of conducting the project Guarantees Recruiting company MEGAPOLIS Соntent
Necessity to optimize the office organization, Requirements to use the inner staff source more efficiently Problem of attracting and retention Problem to maintain and manage the company Necessity to determinate new ways of staff development to gain an effective accomplishment of presupposed tasks Background
Employees Opinion Survey helps to Recognize the estimation of current management and internal communicative ties in the company Recognize the degree of satisfaction of employees by labor conditions Elaborate more efficient pattern of staff motivation Raise the stability and controllability of the company Elaborate measures of establishing of acceptable working atmosphere Advantages
- Meetings with the top-management of companies to obtain the whole volume of information -Elaborating the questionnaire concerned the main blocks -Running the paragon of the questionnaire (approbation of the questionnaire in the group of 5- 6 persons, pointed by the management) -Coming to an agreement with the heads of the company (elaborated paragon is being coordinated with the top-management of the company) -Conduction of the survey -Handling the questionnaires -Checking the entity and correctness of infilling of questionnaires -Coding and proceeding the questionnaires -Analyses of information obtained -Giving the analyses results to the Client Stages of conducting the project
All the conclusions and recommendations of the project (Opinion Survey) are formed on the basis of data obtained and valid Guarantees
Address: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Okskiy syezd, 2, office 504 Phone / Fax: +7 (8312) http//: Recruiting company MEGAPOLIS
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