Ministry of Labour 1 Current Status of the Implementation of International Standard Industrial Classification: ISIC in Thailand
Ministry of Labour2 From the meeting among ASEAN countries that requests and pushes a revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification in order to make all ASEAN countries hold the same standard, the structure of International Standard Industrial Classification, 2006:
Ministry of Labour3 ISIC Rev.4 is used as a guideline for arranging the ASEAN Common Industrial Classification: ACIC and all ASEAN countries will further revise their own National Standard Industrial Classification relevant to such ACIC and ISIC Rev.4.
Ministry of Labour 4 Completed Implementation 1. Comparing structure and information between the previous Thailand Standard Industrial Classification and the current ACIC and ISIC Rev.4.
Ministry of Labour 5 2. Rearranging the structure of Thailand Standard Industrial Classification 2001 in accordance with the structures of ACIC and ISIC Rev.4 and drafting a Thailand Standard Industrial Classification Completed Implementation
Ministry of Labour 6 3. Submitting the Draft of Thailand Standard Industrial Classification 2008 to 25 Sub- committees, between 24 June and 22 August 2008, for examining and revising, as well as defining industries, adding industries, and designating Thai Standard in five-digit- code number to industries. Completed Implementation
Ministry of Labour 7 The Draft of Thailand National Standard Industrial Classification is revised in pursuance of the obtained guidance from the Sub-committees. Completed Implementation
Ministry of Labour8 Current Implementation The Draft of Thailand Standard Industrial Classification 2008 has passed Sub-committees’ consideration process and it is between revision in accordance with the obtained guidance. The Draft will be further submitted to the Committee for final consideration.
Ministry of Labour9 However, the status of the Committee, which is appointed by the former Government (former Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej) is going to terminate in 30 November 2008, it is necessary to confirm the Secretariat of the Cabinet the importance and necessity to continue status of this Committee. So the meeting of the Committee could not be arranged until the current Cabinet has consented to continue status of this Committee. Current Implementation
Ministry of Labour10 The difference between ISIC 2006 and TSIC 2008 ISIC 2006TSIC Sections : one- digit categories (A- U) 82 Divisions : two- digit categories 243 Groups : three- digit categories 419 Classes : four- digit categories -629 Industries : five- digit categories
Ministry of Labour11 Agriculture is the most important of economic activity in Thailand, So the sub-committees added economic activities and defined the definition as follow
Ministry of Labour Raising of other animals 01491Raising and breeding of semi-domesticated animals 01492Silkworm, cocoons, butterfly and insect farming 01493Bee farming 01494Raising and breeding of pet animals (except fish) 01495Snake farming 01499Farming of other live animal not elsewhere classified.
Ministry of Labour13 After passing the Committee’s final consideration, the Thailand National Standard Industrial Classification 2008 could be printed and disseminated within Future Implementation
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