Norwegian Financial Mechanism block grant ““Transfer of Experience and Strengthening of Cooperation among Local, Regional and Euro regional Partners in Lithuania and Norway”- eligible applicants, activities, partnership. Ieva Adomaitytė- Subačienė, Project Management Centre
The aim of the Cooperation Fund is to transfer and promote cooperation between the Lithuanian and Norwegian local, regional and euro regional partners, thus contributing to the enhancement of regional policy in Lithuania
Cooperation within sub-projects is enhanced with the aim of solving problems within the priority spheres specified in the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Memorandum ( clause 5 of these Guidelines) : – protection of environment, reduction of pollution, promotion of the usage of recovering energy sources; – promotion of a balanced development – a better usage and management of resources; – preservation of the European cultural heritage, including public transport and renovation of cities; – education of human resources, support to education and trainings, strengthening of administrative and public services- related capacities of local authorities and their institutions, as well as promotion of democratic processes supporting its implementation; – health protection and child care.
The priority is attached to the projects meeting the following criteria: during the cooperation intending to establish particular products, and (or) start the solution of problems within the priority sphere specified in clause 5 of these Guidelines; implementation of sub-projects in partnership with non- governmental organizations and central, regional as well as local authorities institutions; significant contribution of the sub-project to the achievement of the Republic of Lithuania objectives on the regional policy, as provided for in: Law on Regional Development of the Republic of Lithuania Strategy on regional policy of Lithuania till the year 2013 Programme on the reduction of social and regional differences
Eligible beneficiaries: (clause 9 of these Guidelines) central, regional or local authorities institutions, and establishments or enterprises whose establisher’s, owner’s or copartner’s rights are exercised by central, regional or local authorities, and who are delegated the functions of providing public services; central, regional or local authorities institutions’ associations and unions, representing the interests of central, regional or local authorities institutions; public entities *; associations *; religious communities or communions *; charity and support funds *; other public legal persons *. NOTE ! (clause 10 of these Guidelines ) Beneficiaries marked * Guidelines have a right to submit an application only in partnership with the central, regional or local authorities institution of Lithuania.
Partnership (1) The sub-project partner(s) from the Republic of Lithuania shall be applied the same requirements on eligibility as those applied to the applicant. (clause 14 of these Guidelines); The sub-project partner(s) shall participate in implementation of the sub-project, and shall make use of its results or products(clause 14 of these Guidelines).
Partnership (2) NOTE ! All applicants have to implement the sub-project with at least one partner from the Kingdom of Norway (clause 11 of these Guidelines); Sub-project partners from the Kingdom of Norway shall have to be related to the spheres of activities, as specified in clause 5 of these Guidelines (clause 15 of these Guidelines); The sub-project partner(s) from the Kingdom of Norway can not be a person(s) who fails meet the criteria specified in items 13.1 (the applicant goes bankrupt, is restructured or liquidated;) and there is no an old valid decision of the court, as specified in clause 13.4 of these Guidelines.
Partnership (3) The sub-project partners can participate in more than one sub-project, as well as make applications individually. The number of the sub-project partners is not restricted; however, while calling the sub-project partners for common actions, the applicant shall have to evaluate the sub-project partner’s necessity regarding the participation in the sub- project, as well as the respective management difficulties.
Documents, obligatory for partners from Kingdom of Norway Partnership Statement (filled in lithuanian); the partner from the Kingdom of Norway shall submit a statement of a free form on his/their unconformity to the criteria specified in items 13.1 and 13.4 of these Guidelines.
Requirements to the sub-project activities (clause 26 of these Guidelines): different kinds of trainings, probation, preparation of partnership strategy and action plan, preparation or implementation of common methods, well as other activities ensuring the transfer of experience in the priority spheres specified in clause 5 of these Guidelines.
Target group (clause 26 of these Guidelines): the applicant’s and (or) sub-project partners’ state servants or employees; employees of organizations not participating in the sub-project partnership, meeting the eligibility criteria attached to the applicant and (or) sub- project partner.
Budget for Cooperation Fund during the period 2008–2011 reaches Litas ( Euros), the common financing funds of the Republic of Lithuania making Litas ( Euros) of the total sum
The sum of assistance requested for the sub-projects must be: nothing less than Litas ( Euros); not exceeding Litas ( Euros).
Evaluation Criteria for Cooperation fund Relevance and significance of the sub-project 35 Sub-project methodology 15 Sub-project financial and economic reasoning 15 Sub-project management 10 Sub-project continuity and effect 25
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