In life there are moments, when you miss someone so much, that you wish you could grab them out of your dreams and hug them tight!
When a door closes, Another one opens, But often we stand there so long looking at the closed door, That we do not see that one that’s opened.
Do not look at physical appearances, they can be deceiving. Do not look at riches, For they are only temporary. Look for someone who makes you smile. Because sometimes it only takes a smile to brighten up a very dark day. Look for someone who makes your heart sing.
I wish you in life good fortune to feel good; Many trials to remain strong; Some tears to remain human; Lots of hope, to become happy.
The really blessed people do not necessarily have the best of everything; They are the ones who make the most of whatever life throws at them.
The most splendid future will always depend Upon the necessity to release the past; You cannot move forward in life Unless you learn from your past mistakes and move on.
When you were born you were crying,while everybody around you was smiling. Always live your life smiling even when other people around you are crying.
Send this message to people whom you really care about.
… as I have done …
… to those who have made an impact on you in some way or another. … to those who have made an impact on you in some way or another.
…to those who made you smile when you really needed it; …to those who made you smile when you really needed it;
…to those who make you see the positive side of everything just when you’ve hit rock bottom.
….to those whose friendship you care about.
…to those whom you can’t do without. …to those whom you can’t do without.
And even if you don’t send it to anyone, do not worry, nothing bad will happen.
You just waste the possibility of brightening up someone’s life for a day!
May GOD keep you always my friend.