Gamal Kalini. John Dewey indicates that Democracy is the fair and the free learning tool that makes education as a necessity of life Gamal Kalini.


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Presentation transcript:

Gamal Kalini

John Dewey indicates that Democracy is the fair and the free learning tool that makes education as a necessity of life Gamal Kalini

If there is no democracy in education, there will be no communication. Democracy is a wonderful flower that promotes enhancing the learning environment. When democracy exists, transformational educators exist,and generations of creative learners are ready to create. Gamal Kalini

What does social change mean? Any event or action that affects a group of individuals that have share values or characteristics. Federal policy Immigration jobs Health Safety

Gamal Kalini Must link their subject matter to what is going on in the outside world-environment, health globalization, or at least how these events are playing out locally? H ow?

Gamal Kalini Help students fit into the society as it is. encourage students focus on relationships by encouraging local self-sufficiency and mutual aids. encourage students focus on relationships by encouraging local self-sufficiency and mutual aids. Help the student develop knowledge and vision about the use and abuse of power in our lives for a better society Curriculum alternatives Community Service project Integrated Academics With work experience Explore Local health problem

Gamal Kalini The gap between teachers creates problems Inequalities Improve human relation Students will face difficulties if the teacher fails to understand their culture.

Gamal Kalini Although power relationships are central in deciding how curriculum is adapted to changing circumstances, one should NOT discount the nature of the circumstance and the initiative taken by individual teachers

Gamal Kalini A native American curriculum for survival. Generosity in teaching about the natural life which save the English from starving. Reading and Latin grammar. The curriculum focused on memorization of the rules of Latin grammar and how to read. Benjamin Franklin’s curriculum. Focuses one how the students expressed themselves by writing their own stories.

Gamal Kalini 19 Th - century curriculum Science versus classics,Curriculum focused on how students learned to think through the study of math and grammar and how to develop a scientific view to meet the new challenges of the world. John Dewey’s curriculum Focused on experiences as Dewey believed that students need to touch the experience in the outside world (Hands on)

Gamal Kalini 1-student choice and responsibility Task is based on student needs and wishes. Students choose, design and evaluate. 2-Local connection Integrates school with the community. 3-Challenge Doing what the students know are not the goal discovering and creating for an attempt to answer the essential questions. 4-Cooperation emphasis on Peer work and group work. Our modern curriculum

Gamal Kalini 5-Teacher role acts as a facilitator and guide 6-Audience Could be other students,a student needs to serve.(Learning from each other) 7-Subject matter Text book is regarded as a reference not a content to cover. 8-Evaluation It based on how a student have mastered the objectives. 9-Continuity A finished product is not the conclusion,but the starting point for a new series.

Gamal Kalini Your are hired as a new teacher at a poor school, what is your approach (According to John McNeil) to respond to the social change? A-Teach students to accept such environment. B-criticize the environment for a better one. C- encourage students focus on relationships by encouraging local self-sufficiency and mutual aids. E-All of the above D- None of the above. Please choose the best answer

Gamal Kalini References Herrington, J. & Oliver, R. (2002) Designing for reflection in online courses, in Quality Conversations, Proceedings of the 25th HERDSA Annual Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 7-10 July 2002: pp X313. Lambert, L. (2003). Leadership capacity for lasting school improvement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Dewey J (2001) Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education.