transdisciplinary approach of Sciences, through non formal Negru Simona Mehmudov Nelida Luca Dana Școala Gimnazială Ghindeni open doors for non-formal
Science workshop - “TIC-TAC” In 2014, Școala Gimnazială Ghindeni has receive for the second time the title ȘCOALĂ EUROPEANĂ (European school). The fact that we received a grant for the ERASMUS+ strategic partnership “Open doors for non-formal”, spurred us to make some changes to improve our approach of the educational process. Together, teachers and students, decided to organize some inter and trans curricular workshops. In the workshop of Science, called on students’ proposal “TIC-TAC”, we intend to organize out-door non-formal activities, which will help increase interest in science and the development of teacher-student relationship.
Here are two sucessful activities: - Solving crosswords from science magazines They worked in groups, trying to be the first who finish their job. They were allowed to use any source where they thought they could find the answers. This activity not only appeals to memory, but also develop transdisciplinary thinking and the initiative.
- Project - The vehicle study One of the activities was “the hydraulic brake”, as application at Pascal’s law. The project suppose a team work, each student has the opportunity to present their knowledge and skills and put them together for a final product. In this attractive way, students will understand the necessity of learning the laws and principles of physics, seeing their applicability. - They searched information on the net about the scheme of the car’s brake, then they looked into a car engine, searched the way of the braking system and tried to explain its’ operation. - At the end, they made a poster.
On the future activities, they will study other parts of a vehicle and the physic principles which coordinate their operation. - The final product will be a vehicle “wall”, where everybody could find how a car “works”.
LET’S MAKE 3D GEOMETRIC SHAPES 8 th grade math activity
We used for this activity common materials, found in every household. With the students we built 3D geometric shapes, in order to make it easier for them to understand the elements and properties of each shape. We used for this activity common materials, found in every household. With the students we built 3D geometric shapes, in order to make it easier for them to understand the elements and properties of each shape. Through learning by doing, the teaching is fun and agreable for both the students and the teacher. This method is a great way to create connections in the classroom and to encourage team work and communication. Through learning by doing, the teaching is fun and agreable for both the students and the teacher. This method is a great way to create connections in the classroom and to encourage team work and communication.
Materials used for the activity: Barbeque sticks Glue Paint Cutter Materials are prepared for the activity.
Ready, Set, GO !!!
Beginnings are always a bit difficult... Beginnings are always a bit difficult...
… and everything begins to take shape … … and everything begins to take shape …
… and colour … … and colour …
And in the end we did a great job!
During this activity everyone had a lot of fun and the students got a better vision about the 3D geometric shapes. During this activity everyone had a lot of fun and the students got a better vision about the 3D geometric shapes. They also learned that team work and cooperation gets the job done better than the individual work. They also learned that team work and cooperation gets the job done better than the individual work.