France was late in coming to the New World Religious conflict inside France kept them from colonization Religious conflict ended with the Edict of Nantes which granted limited toleration to French Protestants France became dominant European power in the 17 th century under Louis XIV First French colony established in New World Established in 1608 Area known today as Canada was called “New France” Founder of Quebec Known as the “Father of New France”
French tried to have positive relationships with Indians-- wanted to trade with them English wanted to get rid of Indians Spanish wanted to subdue and enslave Indians Iroquois Indians were the major enemy of the French Indians called French rifles “Lightening Sticks”
Government of New France completely controlled by King French colonists did not have representative assemblies or trial by jury Population of New France grew very slowly because there was no economic motive and denial for religious reasons
Beaver pelts were the most important to the French Heavy demand for fur in European fashion French frontiersmen involved in fur trading French Catholic missionaries who tried to “save” Indians from hell and fur trappers Founded Detroit Detroit called “The City of Straits” French explorer who went down Mississippi River Named the area now known as Louisiana
Most important seaport on the Mississippi River was New Orleans French control would keep Spanish and English under control New Orleans essential to French fur trading industry
These European War were fought over for control of North America
The Ohio River Valley was the main area of dispute between British and French French fort in the present area of Pittsburgh George Washington sent to secure English claims Washington builds Fort Necessity Washington defeated and then released by French
Met in 1754 in Albany, New York Immediate--to make sure that the Iroquois remained on our side Long range--to unite the colonies in defense against the French Benjamin Franklin was the leading spirit of the Albany Congress He worked on a scheme for us to rule ourselves but still be part of England Neither side would accept this idea….why?
English military in America led by Gen. Braddock George Washington served along with Braddock British forces lose often early on British forces tried to launch a full scale invasion of Canada--failed!!!! William Pitt known as the “Great Commoner” and “Organizer of Victory Pitt changed British strategy to focus war on the America’s Most important battle of French and Indian War Battle ended the French and Indian War Treaty of Paris formally ended the War French power in North America removed
1.France gave up all claims in North America 2.France gave all Louisiana territory to Spain including New Orleans 3.Cuba given to Britain
Colonists confident in their military strength Colonists gained valuable experience British no longer appear invincible British upset American’s didn’t support war effort as much as they would like Increased desire for westward expansion Increased unity among the colonists…begin to see themselves as “Americans”
Ohio Valley Indians upset about treatment by British during the War Chief Pontiac refused to surrender his lands even though French ally was gone Pontiac leads group against whites and drive people back from the frontier British responded with germ warfare Made British want to create stable conditions with Indians which leads to….
Prohibited the colonists from moving west of the line Goal was to keep colonies and Indian disputes from happening Effect was colonists became angry and generally ignored Proclamation Set the stage for major disagreements between colonists and Great Britain!