Pork Retail Cut Session Home
Shoulder Arm Picnic Roast Shoulder Arm Roast Shoulder Arm Steak Shoulder Blade Boston Roast Shoulder Blade Steak Loin Country Style Ribs Loin Back Ribs Loin Blade Chop Loin Blade Roast Loin Roast Loin Rib Roast Loin Rib Chop Loin Butterfly Chop Loin Chop Loin Sirloin Chop Loin Sirloin Cutlet Loin Sirloin Roast Loin Tenderloin (Whole) Loin Top Loin Chop Loin Top Loin Chop (Boneless) Loin Top Loin Roast (Boneless, Double) Cubed Steak Shoulder Arm Picnic Roast Shoulder Arm Roast Shoulder Arm Steak Shoulder Blade Boston Roast Shoulder Blade Steak Loin Country Style Ribs Loin Back Ribs Loin Blade Chop Loin Blade Roast Loin Roast Loin Rib Roast Loin Rib Chop Loin Butterfly Chop Loin Chop Loin Sirloin Chop Loin Sirloin Cutlet Loin Sirloin Roast Loin Tenderloin (Whole) Loin Top Loin Chop Loin Top Loin Chop (Boneless) Loin Top Loin Roast (Boneless, Double) Cubed Steak Ground Pork Hocks Sausage Links Spareribs Fresh Side (Sliced) Leg Rump Portion (Fresh Ham) Leg Center Slice (Fresh Ham) Leg Shank Portion (Fresh Ham) Jowl (Smoked) Shoulder Picnic Roast (Smoked, Whole) Loin Canadian Style Bacon (Smoked) Loin Rib Chop (Smoked) Loin Chop (Smoked) Slab Bacon Sliced Bacon Ham (Boneless, Smoked) Ham Center Slice (Smoked) Ham Rump Portion (Smoked) Ham Shank Portion (Smoked) Hocks (Smoked) Sausage (Ground) Ground Pork Hocks Sausage Links Spareribs Fresh Side (Sliced) Leg Rump Portion (Fresh Ham) Leg Center Slice (Fresh Ham) Leg Shank Portion (Fresh Ham) Jowl (Smoked) Shoulder Picnic Roast (Smoked, Whole) Loin Canadian Style Bacon (Smoked) Loin Rib Chop (Smoked) Loin Chop (Smoked) Slab Bacon Sliced Bacon Ham (Boneless, Smoked) Ham Center Slice (Smoked) Ham Rump Portion (Smoked) Ham Shank Portion (Smoked) Hocks (Smoked) Sausage (Ground) Click on the name of a cut to go to photographs OR use the navigation buttons to move through the presentation. Back one frame Beginshow Table of contents Link to information C carcass Home
Shoulder Arm Picnic Roast Comprised of the arm and shank sections of the shoulder. It is a square-cut with a round- to flat-shaped bone in the center a square-cut with a round- to flat-shaped bone in the center. Shank Section Arm Bone C
Shoulder Arm Roast Cut from the arm picnic with the shank and skin removed, leaving the circular arm bone exposed. Arm Bone C
Shoulder Arm Steak Cut from the upper surface of the picnic shoulder. It is a semi- oval shaped cut with a round to flat shaped bone located off center. Arm Bone C
Shoulder Blade Boston Roast Cut from the top portion of the shoulder. It contains the blade bone exposed on each end cut. Blade Bone C
Shoulder Blade Steak Cut from the blade surface of the Boston butt, with the blade bone exposed. Blade Bone C
Loin Country Style Ribs Made by splitting the blade end of a loin into halves lengthwise. It contains half of the loin eye muscle and rib bones or backbones. Loin Eye (Longissimus dorsi) Rib Bones C
Loin Back Ribs May be cut from the front half of the loin. It includes short sections of curved rib bones with finger meat between the bones. Rib Bones Finger Meat C
Loin Blade Chop Cut from the blade end of the loin. Contains part of the blade bone, rib bones, and backbone. Blade Bone Backbone C
Loin Blade Roast Cut from the front half of the loin. Contains part of the blade bone, rib bones, and backbone. Blade Bone Backbone C
Loin Roast Cut from the center of the loin. Contains the loin eye, tenderloin muscle, and T-shaped bones. Tenderloin Muscle Loin Eye T-shaped Bone (Transverse Process) C
Loin Rib Roast Cut from the center rib area of the loin. It contains the loin eye muscle, backbone, and rib bones. Loin Eye Backbone Rib Bones C
Loin Rib Chop Cut from the center of the loin, just in front of the tenderloin. It contains the backbone and depending on the thickness, a rib bone. Loin Eye Backbone Rib Bone C
Loin Butterfly Chop Made from a boneless loin eye muscle. It is sliced almost in half in the center to form two sides resembling a butterfly. Slice Line C
Loin Chop Cut from the loin, just behind the rib chop. It has a T-bone structure, with the top loin and tenderloin on each side of it. Tenderloin Loin Eye T-bone C
Loin Sirloin Chop Cut from the sirloin end of the loin. It contains part of the hipbone and backbone. Backbone Hipbone C
Loin Sirloin Cutlet C Cut from the sirloin end of the loin after the tenderloin and bones are removed. A portion of the chop is often deeper red in color. Deeper Red Color
Loin Sirloin Roast Cut from the sirloin end of the loin. It contains the hipbone, loin eye, and tenderloin muscles. Hipbone Tenderloin Loin Eye C
Loin Tenderloin (Whole) Is a long, tapering, round muscle found under the backbone of the rear third of the loin. It may be displayed whole or as a filet. Whole Cut C
Loin Top Loin Chop C Contains the loin eye muscle, backbone, and finger bone. The tenderloin is removed. Backbone Loin Eye Finger Bone (Transverse Process)
Loin Top Loin Chop (Boneless) Cut from any region of a boneless loin. Loin Eye C
Loin Top Loin Roast (Boneless, Double) C Comprised of two boneless loins that are tied together with fat side out to make a boneless roast. Frequently tied or netted. Loin Eye
Cubed Steak C Made from the muscles of several primal cuts and is irregular in shape. The cubed effect is from mechanical tenderization. Mechanical Tenderization
Ground Pork Made from lean trimmings and wholesale cuts such as the Boston butt and picnic. Is unseasoned, ground, and light pink in color. C
Shoulder Arm Picnic Roast Cut from the arm and shank section of the picnic with a square shoulder cut. C
Proper Name Pork Shoulder Arm Picnic Roast Other Names Fresh Picnic Picnic Whole Fresh Picnic Pork Picnic Shoulder Cooking Methods Roast or Braise
Shoulder Arm Roast C Cut from the arm of the picnic with the shank and skin removed.
Proper Name Pork Shoulder Arm Roast Other Names Pork Arm Roast Fresh Pork Arm Roast Cooking Methods Roast or Braise
Shoulder Arm Steak C Cut from the upper surface of the shoulder picnic.
Proper Name Pork Shoulder Arm Steak Other Names Arm Steak Picnic Steak Fresh Picnic Steak Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Shoulder Blade Boston Roast C Cut from the upper surface of the Boston style shoulder.
Proper Name Pork Shoulder Blade Boston Roast Other Names Fresh Pork Butt Pork Boston Shoulder Pork Butt Roast Pork Boston Butt Roast Boston Style Butt Cooking Methods Roast or Braise
Shoulder Blade Steak Cut from the blade side of the Boston butt. C
Proper Name Pork Shoulder Blade Steak Other Names Blade Pork Steak Pork Loin 7 Rib Cut Pork Steak Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Country Style Ribs C Cut from the blade loin roast usually between the 5 th and 7 th rib.
Proper Name Pork Loin Country Style Ribs Other Names Country Style Spareribs Country Ribs Blade End Country Spareribs Cooking Methods Roast (Bake), Braise, Broil, Grill, or Cook in Liquid
Loin Back Ribs Cut from the ribs of the blade loin roast or loin roast region. C
Proper Name Pork Loin Back Ribs Other Names Pork Backribs Loin Back Ribs Country Back Bones Pork Ribs for Barbecue Cooking Methods Roast (Bake), Braise, Broil, Grill, or Cook in Liquid
Loin Blade Chop C Cut from the blade end of the loin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Blade Chop Other Names Blade Pork Chop Pork Loin Blade Steak Pork Chop End Cut Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Blade Roast C Cut from the blade end of the loin and may not contain the blade bone.
Proper Name Pork Loin Blade Roast Other Names Pork Loin 7-Rib Roast Pork Loin 5-Rib Roast Rib End Roast Rib Pork Roast Pork Loin Rib End Cooking Method Roast or Braise
Loin Butterfly Chop C Cut from any portion of the loin with all bones removed. The butterfly is made by nearly halving the loin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Butterfly Chop Other Names Boneless Butterfly Pork Chop Butterfly Pork Chop Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Roast C Cut from the center loin roast region and includes the T-bone structure.
Proper Name Pork Loin Roast Other Names Pork Roast Center Cut Center Cut Pork Loin Roast Center Cut Loin Roast Loin Roast Center Cut Cooking Method Roast
Loin Rib Roast C Cut from the center loin roast region and includes the rib bone.
Proper Name Pork Loin Rib Roast Other Names Center Cut Pork Roast Pork Loin Rib Half Pork Loin Center Cut Pork Loin Roast Loin Roast Center Cut Cooking Methods Roast or Grill
Loin Chop C Cut from the center loin region and includes the tenderloin and top loin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Chop Other Names Pork Chop Loin End Chop Loin Pork Chop Center Loin Chop Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Rib Chop C Cut from the rib and center loin roast region, in front of the tenderloin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Rib Chop Other Names Center Cut Chop Rib Pork Chop Rib Cut Chop Pork Chop End Cut Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Sirloin Chop C Cut from the sirloin roast region and includes part of the hipbone.
Proper Name Pork Loin Sirloin Chop Other Names Pork Sirloin Chop Sirloin Pork Chop Sirloin Pork Steak Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Sirloin Cutlet C Cut from the wedge-shaped boneless sirloin, just above the hipbone.
Proper Name Pork Loin Sirloin Cutlet Other Name Pork Cutlet Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Stir-fry, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Sirloin Roast C Cut from the sirloin roast region and includes part of the hipbone and tenderloin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Sirloin Roast Other Names Loin End Roast Loin Pork Roast Sirloin End Roast Hipbone Roast Cooking Method Roast
Loin Tenderloin C Cut from the tenderloin region, just before the sirloin and below the backbone.
Proper Name Pork Loin Tenderloin Whole Other Names Pork Tender Pork Tenderloin Cooking Methods Roast (Bake), Grill, Braise, or Broil
Loin Top Loin Chop C Cut from the center loin or sirloin roast region, with the tenderloin removed and chine bone clipped.
Proper Name Pork Loin Top Loin Chop Other Names Center Cut Loin Pork Chop Center Cut Loin Chop Strip Chop Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Top Loin Chop (Boneless) C Cut from any region of a boneless loin.
Proper Name Pork Loin Top Loin Chop Boneless Other Names Boneless Pork Chop Strip Loin Chop Boneless Cooking Methods Grill, Braise, Broil, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Loin Top Loin Roast C Cut from all roast regions of the loin, includes two loin eyes tied together.
Proper Name Pork Loin Top Loin Roast Boneless Other Names Double Pork Loin Boneless Pork Roast Cooking Methods Roast, Grill, or Broil
Cubed Steak C Made from any lean muscle from the carcass, with a large concentration coming from the leg and picnic.
Proper Name Pork Cubed Steak Other Names Boneless Porklet Porklet Pork Cube Steak Pork Tenderette Cooking Methods Braise, Broil, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry
Ground Pork C Lean and fat ground from the Boston butt, picnic shoulder, loin, and leg.
Proper Name Ground Pork Other Name Ground Fresh Pork Cooking Methods Roast (Bake), Broil, Grill, Pan-broil, or Pan-fry