Elite Romania New Business Development knowledge, dissemination & embodyment Elite Romania New Business Development Samoila Lavinia Concept Marketing&Sales
New Business development Launch of Elite biscuits Launch of Elite extruded snacks (bamba) Launch of Premium nuts
Biscuits from Elite PROJECT DESCRIPTION Launch Elite biscuits under Merlin name as of Nov.1, 2004 (start of Sales to Trade) in Romania.
BACKGROUND packed volume is estimated to min. of 24000t and max. of 32000t out of the total market of 72000t - (National Statistics, Production data). Biscuit market is very atomized, with only one major player, Rostar that accounts for 25.4% of the volume (Nielsen, 2003) There is very little media support on biscuits. Ulker has max. 400$M yearly investment, mainly behind promotions. In May 2004 it launched Tempo sandwiches, price competitive to Rostar (4500lei/pack), with radio support. Biscuit shoppers are usually married women, with children, medium social class
LINE UP AND VOLUME OBJECTIVES target for Y1 is 10% volume share of the packed market, i.e min. 2440t up to 3200t for 1st year target for the 5th year of sales is 35% of total market, i.e. 25000t (upgrading of the bulk consumers to packed)
STRATEGIES Concept is: crispy but shortbread, Merlin biscuits from Elite helps you taking care of your family. They are the positive force that reveals the magic from the ordinary things of daily life. Superior product for a mid tier pricing, indexing 150 vs. Rostar Continuous media support on the most interesting category: cream biscuits. Have minimum 2 product initiatives/year. To note, next initiative should be launch of specialities Apr. 2005, with a second push for trial for Merlin brand.
MARKETING PLAN. PRODUCT Sourcing: Vel Pitar Product performance should be net superior to competition (i.e. Rostar), qualified through a 75:25 product test. Petite Beurre: eaten as breakfast/ dinner (soaked in tea/ coffee/ milk). 100g (to compete with 100g&140g packs on the market) 240g (to compete with 300g packs) Picnic (vanilla, cacao)/ Cream (chocolate, strawberries, vanilla): desert while in society. 60g packs picnic (to compete with 65-70g) 65g packs cream (to compete with 72-80g) Packaging: flow packs, transparent window &with natural colors.
MARKETING PLAN. PRICING Create mid tier, ensure index 150 vs. Rostar/kg (imports are at index min. 200 vs. Rostar/kg) 15% size discount on 100g vs. 240g Less than 10000 lei/pack
MARKETING PLAN. COPY STRATEGY Benefit: Merlin “from Elite” helps you taking care of yourself and your family Reason to believe: crispy but shortbread (tender) Brand character: good wizard (positive force) that turns simple things into miracle (reveals the magic from the ordinary things) Target: women 25-55y.o. Core target: women 30-40y.o., with children, medium education, low to medium income
MARKETING PLAN. ATL Objective: min. 80% awareness, 50% trial by month 6
MARKETING PLAN. BTL In store promos & promos to generate trial: TURN SIMPLE THINGS FROM THE FAMILY LIFE INTO MIRACLE : a) buy 5 packs of Merlin biscuits, send packaging to Elite office & win (via ruffle): 10 trips with your family (5 persons, 3 days) to Disneyland: 35,000USD b) taste events in 15 top stores: 7000USD c) scratch cards with prizes: 8000USD - picnic baskets - tickets to Circus (500 persons) - Elite coffee/ cappuccino/ chocolate; Budget BTL : ~ 50$M
FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE Min. 2440t, i.e 4000$M Net Sales and 1250$M profit (at a 30% profit rate) in the first year, given 780$M marketing support
2. Elite Bamba Launch Elite extruded snacks as of January 2005 (start of Sales to Trade) in Romania; continuous Marketing support will start 1 month later
BACKGROUND Value is estimated to min. of 12MM USD to max of 15MM USD Key competitors are Star Foods (Star, Krax, Loto)-48% value share; Standard (Oups)- 29% value share and Best (Lotto)- 13% value share There is no media support on bamba.
OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES Target for Y1 is 30% share of the market, i.e min. 4MM USD up to 5 MM USD STRATEGIES Dual communication directed to mothers (main buyer): healthy product and to kids (main consumer): taste Superior product for a equal price Continuous media support on the most appealing SKU. Have minimum 2 product initiatives/year.
PRODUCT Sourcing: Alimex Product performance should be net superior to competition (i.e.Star Foods), qualified through a 60:40 product test. Line up: salt, cheese, pizza, pea nuts, fruits Packaging: transparent window &with natural colors.
FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE Min. 800t, i.e 4000$M Net Sales and 1600$M profit (at a 40% profit rate) in the first year
3. Elite Delis Premium Nuts Launch Elite Delis premium nuts as of November 2004 (start of Sales to Trade) in Romania;
BACKGROUND Volume is estimated to 300t, i.e 3MM USD Key competitor is Fiesta (over 40% value share) There is no media support on premium nuts.
Target for Y1 is 30% share of the market, i.e min. 1MM USD OBJECTIVES Target for Y1 is 30% share of the market, i.e min. 1MM USD STRATEGIES Communication under Delis: joyfull host that invites you to discussions with your friends Superior product for a equal price to competition Continuous media support under Delis umbrella.
PRODUCT Sourcing: Elite Investment Product performance is net superior to competition (i.e.Fiesta), qualified through a 60:40 product test. Line up: cajou, pistacchio, almonds, 50-100g bags
FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE Min. 100t, i.e 300$M Net Sales and 100$M profit (at a 30% profit rate) in the first year