New Bridge to Success 9. Sınıf 18. Ünite kelimeleri
Soaked (adj) It was raining heavily and the dog didn’t have an umbrella. So it got soaked.
A fascinating picture
Magnificent (adj) If something is magnificent, it is big and beautiful.
A mosque
Mix (v) mixture (n)
mixture A salad is a mixture of different vegetables.
Pour (v) Someone is pouring milk into the glass.
pouring When it is raining heavily, we say it is pouring.
Fluently (adv) Ahmet speaks English fluently. He doesn’t often stop while talking. He has been in England for 4 years. Cemil doesn’t speak English fluently. When he speaks English, he often stops because he doesn’t remember a word.
Göksu River in Mersin
The Nile river in Egypt
Puzzle (n)
Hurricane (n)
Twister (n)
Storm is a strong wind.
Affect (v) There was an economic crisis in the USA last year. It affected Turkish economy, too.
Reduce (v) Using electric cars reduces pollution.
Occur (v) = happen The accident occured at 3 pm today.
Foggy (adj) It can be dangerous to drive in foggy weather because it is difficult to see through in foggy weather.
Breeze (n) Breeze is light wind. It blows softly. People aren’t afraid of it. They love it.
icy (adj) = very cold In Turkey it is cold in the winter. But it is icy is North Pol
Sunburnt (adj) His body is red because he got sunburnt.
Region (n) Turkey has seven regions.
THRACE Black Sea Bosphorus Sea of Marmara Agean Sea Dardanelles
Driving fast
Result of fast driving! Traffic accidents are usually the result of driving fast.
Coast (n)
Uludağ is a popular ski-resort
Harbour (n) Harbours are car-parks for ships.
Beach (n)
citrus C
In the Black Sea region, it rains throughout the year.
Weather forecast
Blow (v) She is blowing the candles on her birthday.
Blow (v) The wind is blowing the trees.
Fault (n) = mistake
No, it is his fault. He was driving the car. It is his fault. He said, “Go faster!”
Willing (adj) Let’s go to the picnic! They are willing to go to the picnic.
Air mass
Descibe (v) A police officer is describing a criminal to a police artist.