Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study WELCOME! Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting September 17, 2003
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SECOND PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING To Be Held September 23 at Tucson Convention Center – Maricopa and Mohave Rooms Same Format As First Public Meeting Focus Will Be Land Use Criteria and Strategies for Compatible Land Use
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NOISE CRITERIA Use Notional Contours Noise Zones to 65 ldn
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NOISE CRITERIA Decision Points Restrictions on Noise Sensitive Uses Noise Sensitive Non-Residential Uses (e.g. Concert Halls, Libraries, Hospitals, etc.) Other Outdoor Uses Other?
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NOISE CRITERIA Non-Residential Noise Sensitive Uses Noise/Safety Compatibility Criteria Use 1 Over 80 ldn 75 – 80 ldn 70 – 74 ldn 65 – 69 ldn Schools and Educational FacilitiesNNNN Cultural Activities (including Libraries, Museums, Auditoriums and Concert Halls) and Religious Facilities NNNN Medical Facilities, including Hospitals, Clinics, Extended Care Facilities and Nursing Homes NNNN Outdoor Public Assembly, including stadiums, and amphitheatersNNNN Outdoor Recreation (such as picnic areas, swimming pools, playgrounds, etc.) providing places for people to gather NNNN Resorts and Group CampsNNNN Cemeteries (not including Chapels) NNNN Note: Items marked in red have been specifically identified for discussion in previous comments or meetings
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NOISE CRITERIA Other Outdoor Uses DRAFT Noise/Safety Compatibility Criteria Use Over 80 ldn 75 – 80 ldn 70 – 74 ldn 65 – 69 ldn Outside Clear Zone, APZs or Paddle Government ServicesN Y 2,5 Y2Y2 Restaurants, Eating and Drinking EstablishmentsN Y 2,3 Y2Y2 3. Not including outdoor service 5. Not including outdoor activities serving the general public Note: Items marked in red have been specifically identified for discussion in previous comments or meetings
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA In Areas of Most Likely Accident Impact Avoid Uses with Concentrations of People Residences and similar uses where people reside, such as hospitals and hotels Employment locations with high density (e.g. offices) Places where people may gather in large numbers (e.g. shopping centers, auditoriums, recreation areas) Avoid Uses with Special Safety Considerations Uses involving hazardous materials or explosives Critical public health and safety uses (e.g. hospitals, fire stations, police communication facilities)
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Decision Points North-South Split Paddle Appropriate Densities Appropriate Uses Appropriate Uses Appropriate Dimensions of Paddle Split Density by Zone
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Split Paddle - Center “Center” Paddle is 5,000 ft. wide (2,500 ft on each side of centerline) Side Paddles are balance of Paddle
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Split Paddle - North North Paddle follows primary flight path centerlines South Paddle would be balance of Paddle
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Densities How to Calculate Density – Persons Per Acre Density Credit for Contiguous Open Space (Concept of Overall Density for Area Under a Single “Development Plan”) How to Calculate Density – Peak vs Non-Peak Occupancy (time of day or seasonal) How to Calculate Density – Peak vs Non-Peak Occupancy (time of day or seasonal) Formula for Density Credits Based on Weighted 24- hour Average; OR Density Based on Maximum Building Occupancy with Special Exception Process for Non-Standard Occupancy Factors
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Non- Residential Densities Clear Zone is Essentially Zero Density Appropriate Density Range for Non-Residential Uses in APZs and Paddle From 20 persons per acre closest to end of runway and center-line (based on typical Lower Density Uses, e.g. Industrial/Warehouse) to 40 persons per acre farthest from end of runway and centerline (based on typical Higher Density Uses, e.g. Retail and Office)
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Uses Uses Not Allowed in APZs or Paddle Under Current Draft Criteria Note: Uses marked in red have been specifically identified for discussion in previous comments or meetings Use Wholesale Trade and Distribution of or Manufacturing and Processing of Chemical, Petroleum, Rubber or other hazardous or highly flammable materials Arenas and other similar places of Indoor Public Assembly Residential (except existing lots zoned prior to 1990) Schools and Educational Facilities Cultural Activities (including Libraries, Museums and Concert Halls) and Religious Facilities Medical Facilities, including Hospitals, Clinics, Extended Care Facilities and Nursing Homes Outdoor Public Assembly, including stadiums, and amphitheaters
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Uses Uses Allowed in APZs or Paddle Under Current Draft Criteria Use Agriculture (not including processing and services) Rail Lines, Roadways and Vehicle Parking Outdoor Recreation (such as golf courses, hiking, riding, nature areas, etc,) not providing places for people to gather
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Uses Uses Allowed in APZs or Paddle Under Current Draft Criteria (Subject to Density Limitations) Use Communications Facilities and Utilities Agricultural processing and services Wholesale Trade and Distribution (not including chemical, petroleum, and rubber products or other hazardous or highly flammable materials) Manufacturing and Industrial Processing, except Chemical, Petroleum, Rubber and other processes involving the use of hazardous or highly flammable materials Government Services
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Uses Uses Not Allowed in APZs or Center Paddle, but Allowed in Side Paddle (Subject to Density Limitations) Under Current Draft Criteria Use Retail Sales Restaurants, Eating and Drinking Establishments Lodging Business, Personal and Professional Services, including General Offices Indoor Recreation (including clubhouses, swimming pools, etc.) Outdoor Recreation (such as picnic areas, swimming pools, playgrounds, etc.) providing places for people to gather, Resorts and Group Camps
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Paddle Split North-South Width of North Paddle – 2,500 feet from centerline of two primary flight paths under current draft Length Length Under current draft split at 30,000 feet
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study SAFETY CRITERIA Potential Density by Zone Based on overall range of 20 to 40 persons per acre APZ 1 and 2 and “Center” Paddle to 30,000 feet 20 persons per acre Center” Paddle 30,000 to 50,000 feet “Center” Paddle 30,000 to 50,000 feet 30 persons per acre “Side” Paddle to 50,000 feet 40 persons per acre
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study POTENTIAL STRATEGIES Discussion Acquisition Transfer of Development Rights or Densities Private/Public Partnerships Revised Notification Other
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base/Tucson Joint Land Use Study NEXT STEPS Next PAC Meeting – September 17 th Second Public Information Meeting September 23rd 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tucson Convention Center – Maricopa and Mohave Rooms Other?