Five day forecast 未来五天预报 Today’s Graphic 今日气象图 monsoon zone 季风带 oceanic climate 海洋性气候 continental climate 大陆性气候 Dust storm 沙暴 drought 干旱 ice sheet 冰川 Iceberg 冰山 flood 洪水 Centigrade 摄氏 Fahrenheit 华氏 Temperature convert: (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9 = Centigrade
Clear to overcast 晴转 多云 cloudy to overcast 阴转 多云 turning out cloudy 转阴 fine/fair/ sunny 晴朗 mild 温暖 cool 凉爽 cloudy 多云 overcast/dull gloomy 阴天 snowy 有雪 foggy 有雾 frosty 霜冻 chilly 微冷 misty 薄雾 damp 潮湿 wet 雨天
Drizzle 小雨 Pour/downpour 大雨 Storm 暴风雨 Sleet 雨夹雪 Blizzard 暴风雪 Monsoon rain 季风雨 Shower 阵雨 Thundery shower 雷阵雨 Thunder storm 雷雨 Light snow 小雪 Hail/hailstone 冰雹 Seasonal rain 季雨
breezy微风阵阵gentlewind和风 gale wind 大风 heavy/high wind 大风 windy and dusty 风沙 stormy wind 暴风 gust阵风 piercing wind 寒风typhoon台风 light air 1 级风 light breeze 2 级风 gentlebreeze 3 级风 moderate breeze 4 级风 fresh breeze 5 级风 strong breeze 6 级风 moderate gale 7 级风 fresh gale 8 级风 strong gale 9 级风 whole gale 10 级风 storm 11 级风 hurricane 12 级风 / 飓风
Rainy turns to cloudyThunder storm Sunny to cloudy Snowy Cloudy Overcast
Useful expressions
1. a. General weather conditions for today: ________________ b. Temperature: High: _________________ c. Weather outlook ____________________________________ 2. a. When did the storm started ands how long did it last? _____________________________________________ b. How damaging was the storm? ________________________________________________ Fine and pleasant 18° C (64°F) Cloudy with outbreaks of heavy shower. It started around 8 p.m. and lasted for about three minutes It caused four deaths and serious damage including a power failure. LISTENING TASKS
Listening tasks: Did you hear the weather forecast? 1. What are Alan and Michelle doing? a. They are planning a picnic for the department. b. The are having a picnic organized by the department. c. They are drinking and talking about the weather. d. They are drinking and talking about the weather. 2. What can you infer from their talk? a. Michelle likes having a picnic on a sunny day. b. Alan is expecting a gentle breeze to cool himself off. c. They haven’t had much sunshine recently. d. Much to their surprise, bad weather is setting in.
3. What do you know about Alan? a. He thinks the department has misjudged the weather situation for the day. b. he dismisses the idea of having an annual picnic as silly. c. He dislikes pre-arranged activities and would rather go somewhere on his own d. He prefers having a little doze after drinking. Did you hear the weather forecast?
A WEATHER REPORT New York Miami St. Louis Denver Los Angeles