→ 광고, 편지, 포스터, 일기, 엽서 등 → 1 문제 제출 → 채점기준 : 내용, 문법, 언어 사용
There will be… We are having… We would like to inform…
Salutation ( 인사말 ) Format Yours sincerely ( 맺음말 ) Opening Paragraph Body ( 본문 ) Middle Paragraph Closing Paragraph
Place : Peachtree Park Preparation : Packed lunch Activity : Treasure hunt 소풍 안내문은 Formal Writing
Salutation ( 인사말 ) Dear students, Dear Sir, Dear Mr. Park, To whom it may concern, Formal 인사말
Body ( 본문 ) – Opening Paragraph We would like to inform you that there will be a school picnic at Peachtree Park this Saturday. We would like to inform you that + 문장 추가 Point!
Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch with you. There will be a lot of interesting activities including the treasure hunt. Body ( 본문 ) – Middle Paragraph
I hope to see you this Saturday. = I hope to~ = I wish to~ = I look forward to~ + ~ing Body ( 본문 ) – Closing Paragraph 추가 Point!
Respectfully yours, From Admissions Office = Sincerely yours ( 수신자 이름 알 경우 ) = Faithfully yours ( 수신자 이름 모를 경우 ) = With anticipation = Confidently yours = Respectfully yours 맺음말 FORMAL 맺음말
Dear students, We would like to inform you that there will be a school picnic at Peachtree Park this Saturday. Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch with you. There will be a lot of interesting activities including the treasure hunt. I hope to see you this Saturday. Respectfully yours, From Admissions Office
It’s time for… We are having… We would like to invite you…
Place : The Kim’s House Main Dish : Barbequed Pork Date : Sat. 20 th, at noon 이웃에게 보내는 초대장은 Informal Writing
Dear Lee’s Family, Hi, Jean Greetings! Dear Jean Hello, Jean What’s up? Salutation ( 인사말 ) Informal 인사말
We are having a garden party. be 동사 + 현재분사 ( 가까운 미래에 일어날 일 ) Ex) We’re having… Body ( 본문 ) – Opening Paragraph 추가 Point!
I want to invite you to the party. The party will be on Saturday the 20 th at noon. Delicious barbequed pork and drinks will be served during the party. 요일 앞에는 on 정확한 시간 앞에는 at 하루 중의 아침 / 점심 / 저녁은 in Body ( 본문 ) – Middle Paragraph 추가 Point!
Please come and enjoy the party with us. Body ( 본문 ) – Closing Paragraph
Kind regards, Kim’s Family Take care, All the best, Kind/Warm regards, Always / Cheers, Goodbye for now, 맺음말 INFORMAL 맺음말
Dear Lee’s Family, We are having a garden party. I want to invite you to the party. The party will be on Saturday the 20 th at noon. Delicious barbequed pork and drinks will be served during the party. Please come and enjoy the party with us. Kind regards, Kim’s Family
There will be… We are having… We would like to inform… It’s time for… We are having… We would like to invite you…