Chi Epsilon Actives Meeting #2 Thursday, October 9, 2014 Please sign in up front and grab an officer nomination form!
Schedule of Events
OFFICER NOMINATIONS Positions Open for Spring 2015 Treasurer Social Chair Nominate a friend or self-nominate before leaving today! Fill out the officer nomination form Turn it in at the end of the meeting Or Emily in the next few weeks An will be sent to the nominees asking for their acceptance Elections at 3 rd Actives Meeting – MANDATORY ATTENDANCE - Thursday, 11/6, 6PM
MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Attendance Must attend elections (AM#3 on 11/6) Must attend at least 2 active meetings Must attend Initiation (11/16) Absences: Secretary Blayne before the event 3 Hours Community Service 3 hrs for Buddy Program Tutoring XE Community Service Events Other Service (Service Hours Form on Purdue XE website)
CE BUDDY PROGRAM LAST SEMESTER BUDDIES Contact your old buddy! THIS SEMESTER BUDDIES Meet 3x this semester Counts for your 3 Community Service hours Blayne whenever you meet Buddy Events: XE Site Tour: Next Week, Wed. 10/15 3:30-5pm XE Picnic:Sunday, 10/19, Happy Hollow Park Shelter #3
XE SOCIAL EVENTS Site Tour: Purdue Softball Complex Construction Site - Next Wed., 10/15, 3: Transportation Provided - Submit Waiver to Attend - Volunteering to Drive? – - Submit Driver Authorization Form Intramurals: Indoor volleyball: 7:30pm - Talk to Andrea after the meeting to join! Chi Ep. vs. Beta Tau Bowling Night
For CEs: 5 sessions at 75 minutes each (from 6:30-7:45pm) FE Review Sessions
Who: any active XE!! What: $1,000 scholarship for academics/leadership NOT A LENGTHY APPLICATION How: Nomination form sent out again tonight Grab a fellow XE active member and nominate each other (best option!) Self-nominate (not as effective) Due: 2 weeks from today To Emily by Friday, Oct. 17, at 5 PM Purdue Chapter - Wood Award Nomination
Active Meeting #3 - ELECTIONS - Thursday, Nov PM, PHYS Go get food at the CE Social afterward! XE Initiation - Sunday, Nov PM, STEW 202 Optional: XE Banquet - Sunday Nov PM Union - E. Faculty Lounge - Pay $30 Tonight or in the coming weeks MANDATORY SEMESTER EVENTS
SOFTBALL COMPLEX SITE TOUR - Wednesday, 10/15, 3:30-5 PM - Meet behind HAMP FE KICK-OFF - Thursday, 10/16, 6:30-7:45 - HIKS G980D XE PICNIC - Sunday, 10/19, 2-5 PM - Happy Hollow Park Shelter #3 NEXT WEEK
Here after the Meeting Talk to Andrea about joining XE Intramural Indoor Volleyball Turn in: - Officer Nomination Form - Site Tour Waiver - Site Tour Driver Authorization Form - $30 for attending XE Banquet Look for My Tonight! Wood Award Application – Due Next Friday! TONIGHT
Chi Epsilon – Purdue University Questions?