Groton Base Membership Business Meeting
Call to orderBC ◦ Announcements (Muster sheets, Exits, No Smoking) Opening ceremony Opening comments (as Applicable)BC Introduction and recognition of VIP and Guests PresentationsBC Membership Sound off
The following items have been reviewed by SVGB Leadership Team and approved by the Executive Committee. These items require membership approval. MOTION: Approval of Minutes of 2 June 2014 MOTION: Approval of Minutes of 7 July 2014
MOTION: Appointment - Policy/Parliamentarian chairman SECOND: It is important to establish and appoint a POLICY/Parliamentarian that will review and make recommended changes to the membership as the organization changes over time. In addition the Policy committee will from time to time recommend matters requiring policy in order to ensure the organization does not encounter adverse situations. Also the Chairman will attend all membership meeting and sit as the Parliamentarian to resolve any interpretation or questionable debate regarding rules of procedure.
MOTION: Establishment of a Development task force ◦ The role of the Development Committee (DC) is to seek out new economic opportunities ◦ The process focuses on tangible outcomes ◦ "a process to identify business and community development opportunities that could be implemented to sustain or improve the SUBVETS economy." ◦ 1. generating ideas, ◦ 2. recognizing opportunities, and ◦ 3. driving opportunities.
MOTION: Establishment of Finance/Investment task force ◦ Subvets Groton Base has an opportunity to increase our cash/investment opportunities that can be used for future capital projects. This task force will seek out the most equitable venues that can maximize the return on our investments, recommend appropriate changes to our Finance Policies and present findings to the general membership for approval.
MOTION: Establishment of Strategic Planning task force ◦ A declaration of where Subvets plans to be in three years, which needs to be easily understood by every member and leadership, ◦ with a mission statement that is a concise description of the purpose and function of SUBVETS Groton Base, ◦ with objectives of what is expected to be achieved in each area by addressing the issues that affect SVGB and its members, ◦ with measurable actions and directions assigned to committees, leadership or staff.
MOTION: Establish a building Catastrophic Recovery Planning task force ◦ This task force is designed to put together a document that identifies what is to be done in the event the clubhouse were to be impaired or destroyed from hurricane, flood, fire, or any other form of a catastrophic incident. ◦ This document should have at a minimum the location of vital documents, where stored in a location off site.
MOTION: Establish Capital Improvement Planning task force ◦ This task force will determine, suggest priorities and develop a budget for capital improvements to the property. This task force will collaborate with the Finance/Investment task force for any overlap between the two groups.
CORRESPONDENCE:BS ◦ Service dog request ◦ Request to volunteer as Chef ◦ Cold War Recognition Certificate
Events for August House Family Picnic Status 9 August CANCELED Sub School recognition (Need Volunteers) Old Salts Pig Roast/Club house closed 2 August CO/XO/COB Dinner (MOVE TO OCT 25)BC (Need Volunteers) WESTPORT SATELLITE GROUP:BC Their picnic is scheduled for August 10th 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM at Port 5, Bridgeport, CT; cost $25.00 per person. (Cut-off date August 1) Checks can be made out to USSVI - Westport SUBVETS and can be mailed to my attention at 184 Eastern Parkway, Milford, CT.
◦ Base Calendars will be updated and edited by House committee Chair ◦ Clubhouse Calendar will be updated and edited by the Club Manager ◦ The Official Face Book Page will be maintained by the PAO ◦ Clubhouse Face Book Page will be maintained by Club Manager ◦ The SUBVETS Website will be maintained by the PAO ◦ Forward meeting and committee minutes to PAO for posting on the web