Welcome! *Write a letter to your child and leave it in their desk. They will get the surprise in the morning! *Once everyone is here, we will start! Thank you!
About Ms. Cowan Class website: Ms. Cowan’s
Main Goals are to create: A caring classroom community A safe learning environment Independent, responsible students who strive to do the best they can! Money bags/bucket fillers
-Reading Launch (Spotlight on Comprehension) -Character Traits -Fairy Tale -Informational
Houghton Mifflin: Decoding strategies, vocabulary, high frequency words (sight words), fluency and comprehension. RAZ: Readers’ Workshop: Book Baggies w/leveled books, mini-lessons (reading clues, story elements, reading with stamina), workshop partners, comprehension
-Narrative Unit -Opinion Unit -Realistic Fiction -Gripping Stories -Fairy Tales -Nonfiction Reports -Poetry
Concepts include number sense, comparing and measuring, estimating, graphing and probability, addition and subtraction, counting, symbol recognition, multiplication and division, place value to 100, geometry, regrouping, fractions, time, and money. Scott Foresman Workbook and Envision Program Timed Math fact practice programs Mental math (thinking words, #’s and pictures) Develop life-long problem solving skills Manipulatives/counters
Will be posted on the website Monday. (Possibly available the weekend before). Due back the next Friday. Approximately minutes each night: minutes of reading each night is critical to reading fluency and comprehension. Reading log. RAZ 15 minutes of math/language arts review/writing prompt or spelling. Enrichment math scanned and Reading Comprehension Electronically – Website or attach note with any questions or concerns.
Science: Lab 1x week (Thursday)/ Classroom 1+ week Social Studies: Ancestors, Presidents, Community, Government, Producers & Consumers PE: Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please make sure your child is wearing tennis shoes and comfortable clothing on these days. Library: Monday. Please make sure your child brings their checked out book with them so they can get a new one. Technology: COWS, iPads, language arts, making stories, brainstorms, Keynotes, etc. and Tech Lab Art: Ms. Bhu will come to the classroom to do art with the students. We will also have Miss Tess visit during the Spring. The remaining art will be done in class with the teacher or our art docent.
Field trips being looked into: California Academy of Sciences Lawrence Hall of Science Exploratorium California Pizza Kitchen (Producers & Consumers) Park Picnic in the Spring to meet our Pen Pals We will need drivers and/or chaperones: Paperwork needs to be turned in to the office by October 1 st !