Next Week Kidz Church Will Dawn Centre (Gr 5 & below) Teen Church Chapel (Gr 6 & above) Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Members who require prayer meet in the chapel after the service. Prayer & Praise Requests: Sylvia Pendleton-Browne - chemotherapy Mel Kleinhans Norman Massyn Rebecca Nagal Sunday 21 September 9am Service Preaching: Chris Anderson 6pm Service Preaching: Chris Anderson Birthday Blessings: 14 to 20 Sept Clive Miller 15 th Basil Redshaw 15 th Felicity Swinney 19 th (We’d love to include You) Wed 17 Sept 9:30am Ladies Bible the Church Thurs 18 Sept 9:00am Ladies Bible the Church 4pm Prayer the Church, held in the Chapel Friday 19 Sept Youth the church 5:30-6:30pm G63 (Gr 1 - 5) 5:30-7pm Junxion (Gr 6 - 7) 7:30-9:30pm Revamp (Gr 8 – 12) three Our new three16 youth series has kicked off. & we are so excited! PC has started a three16 series for the evening service.. Three16 consists of studies of chapter 3 and verse 16 of the new testament books. Sign-up Sunday Today Dads, Lads and Lasses:– Saturday – 1 st November 2014 Where:- TO Strand Sleep Over: Saturday Night Newcomers Social Fri. 26 Sept, 5 – 7 Clarendon Road, Uvongo Please put your name on the notice-board Contact: Johan OR Sean Call Committee Meeting The first meeting of the Call Committee to call a “Pastor to Seniors” will be held after the morning service on Sunday 21 September. Members of the Call Committee are Naomi Noyons, Anne Woodman, George Langton, Howard Shepherd and Janice Miller. Lesotho Mission Trip postponed Family Peter Pan Beach, Leisure Bay Sunday 21 September Bring a picnic/braai for a time of fellowship.
BANK DETAILS Margate Baptist Church Standard Bank, Margate Acc No Branch No DUTIES: - 21 September Door Duty: Young Adults Tea Duty: Young Adults Lock up Duty: Sean Doveton Lock-up Duty TODAY Quentin Elliott Office: Youth Office: Senior Pastor: Children’s Pastor Chris Anderson Intern: Monique Whelan Youth Pastoral Interns: Meghan Aereboe JP Momberg Youth Workers Sarah Paxton Donne de Wet Sermon Notes: INCOMEEXPENSESSURPLUS SHORT MONTH / AUGUST YTD Jan- Aug There are BIBLES in the cupboard at the back of the church. Please put them back at the close of the service. There are also cushions for the chairs, under the stairs at the back of the church. FIRST LOVE SERIES Mark 12:30: The Heart of the matter We need a CHANGED heart (Ezekiel 11:19) We need a RENEWED heart (Psalm 51:10-17) We need a GUARDED heart (Proverbs 4:23-27) The marks of an unguarded heart are: Secret night time activities that morph from innocent to illicit Relationships that are sustained by lies and deceit to those we love the most Blissful ignorance to the catastrophic nature of coming consequences Spiritual dryness and lack of joy (Internal…only you feel it) Normal lifestyle and schedule (External…everyone else sees it) The blessings of a guarded and restored heart are: Verse 19. THEN sacrifice and service to God is pleasing to him again Verse 13. THEN teaching, preaching and witnessing is effective once more Verse 15. Praise is once again a delight to God Verses 11/12. Spirit-filled joy returns How do we respond and get back to a renewed and guarded heart? RECOGNITION, ADMISSION and CONFESSION of our sin ASKING FOR RE-CREATION OF A PURE HEART ACCEPTANCE (believing God and forgiving ourselves) Thank You Our Ladies Retreat this year was a wonderful experience. Many thanks to everyone who contributed, they are a great team.