Today: Reading Goal – As we read, we will draw conclusions about the setting. Today’s Big Question: – Are first impressions always correct? Why or why not? Team Cooperation Goal: – Active Listening
Building Background T-P-S: Where do you look for clues that can help you predict what a book might be about? Survey the book. # heads: What can you guess about 145 th Street by looking at the cover and the titles of the stories in the book? Are these the kinds of events that take place on your street?
145 th Street, Harlem What do you know about Harlem?
Harlem, New York
What about the setting? T-P-S Why do you think Walter Dean Myers wrote ten different stories that all happened on the same block? Do you think the setting is going to be an important part of these stories? Imagine this, close your eyes and picture: What can you conclude about the people that live on this street?
Listening First, listen to me drawing some conclusions. T-P-S: What kinds of clues will you look for to tell you about the setting? Listening comprehension: “Big Joe’s Funeral” pages 1-4.
Vocabulary WordDefinitionExample PeculiarUnusual or oddMy roommate Mary is peculiar, because she does strange things. UndertakerOne who arranges funeralsWhen my grandfather died, my parents called the undertaker. LiableLikelyIf you’re not careful, you’re liable to fall off the swing set. NauseaA feeling as though you need to vomit After riding the roller coaster, I was left with a feeling of nausea. DeftQuick and skillful in movement The trained horse’s movements were deft as she ran around the barrel without tipping it over. SkulkedTo sit or move quietly, as though afraid of being seen After scratching up the couch, the cat skulked back to her bed. BodegaA small grocery store in certain Hispanic communities Carmen found everything she needed for the picnic at the bodega. InauguratedTo bring into public office with a formal ceremony John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as the thirty- fifth U.S. President on January 20, 1961.
Partner Read: pgs Why is it that the dogs on 145 th Street can imitate sirens? What conclusions can you draw about the setting from this information? (write) 2.Why is Peaches trying to disrupt Big Joe’s funeral? 3.The whole neighborhood comes to Big Joe’s funeral. What can you conclude about Big Joe? What can you conclude about the neighborhood? 4.Why were the people at Big Joe’s party mad that the cops broke it up? Did they stay mad for long? Why or why not?
Reflection T-P-S What is a first impression? What is your first impression of Big Joe? – Of 145th Street? Are first impressions always correct? Why or why not? Why is it important to look past first impressions? Vocab review Homework: 20 minutes of reading EVERY night!